Part 32

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Tony shook his head as he looked at you

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Tony shook his head as he looked at you. To say your explanation of what happened over the last days shocked him would be an understatement. He could hardly process everything.

"Tony... please say something." You mumbled out and he looked down at the floor. You were sat next to him on the couch and looked at him, expecting him to say something.

"I don't know what to say, Y/N." He mumbled out.

Your lips formed a tight line and you looked away. "I'm sorry."

Suddenly, you felt his fingers on your jaw, turning you around so you can face him. "I understand you were trying to protect me with this." He said. "But you shouldn't be alone in this. You should've told me."He said, keeping his anger inside for now for your sake, when there was nothing that he wanted to do more than repeatedly punch Curtis' face.

"You're not angry?" You asked, sitting up straight.

"I'm not. Not at you, at least." He replied, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear before he leaned forward and placed his lips on yours.

You were quick to kiss back, wrapping your hands around him while he held your waist. His grip was almost making bruises on your skin, he held you like he was afraid he would lose you again.

He pushed you on your back and towered above you on the couch, hands making their way under your shirt, feeling your hot skin under it.

He let out a moan into your mouth when you started to grin on top of him, desperate for a release after days of being unable to be even slightly close to Tony. "Please, Tony."You mumbled out in his mouth and he smirked before he parted from you.

"Did you miss me?" He asked as he took off your shirt, and started kissing in between your breasts which made you arch your back, his every touch setting you on fire.

"Yes."You replied with a gasp as he kissed his way down your stomach, stopping when he reached your pants. A mischievous grin appeared on his face as he unbuttoned your pants and started to pull them down your legs.

You felt shivers shoot down your spine when he placed a kiss just on top of your panties. He took off your pants completely and spread your legs for himself before he took off his own clothes, being left in only his boxers.

He kissed his way back up your stomach and stopped just when he reached your bra. He suddenly parted and looked down at your face. "Such a good girl for me." He said before he kissed you again.

His hand reached behind your back and he unclasped your bra before pulling it down your arms. His mouth immediately attached to one of your nipples while he started to slowly rub his hard cock, still covered by his boxers, on your folds. He smirked against your skin when he felt your fingers tangling themselves in his hair. His other hand slowly made its way in your panties and he started to rub your clit.

"Fuck..." You mumbled out as his thumb continued to rub on your clit while his middle finger pushed into you. Your hand held his wrist as pleasure pooled in your lower stomach, finally exploding when he started to go harder and faster.

Tony placed a kiss on your neck before he pulled away and took off the underwear off of both of you."Ready, sweetheart?" He asked as you felt him rub his tip on you, soaking it with your juices.

You nodded and felt him push inside, stretching you out and making you gasp.

"Oh, God." Tony mumbled out, eyes rolling in the back of his head when he felt your warm walls squeezing him. He missed it more than he could describe.

Your nails dug into his back as he started to move in and out. His every thrust was deep, and you felt him hit your cervix each time.

His smirk grew even larger when he saw how you reacted to him and he pulled out, grabbing a pillow and placing it under your lower back, also changing the angle of his thrusts. When he entered you again, you gasped as you felt him touch your g-spot.

"Did that feel good?" He teased, looking down at you.

"F-fuck, I hate you." You stuttered out as he did that again before pulling out completely, teasing you.

As soon as you said it, he pushed into you again, bottoming out. "What did you say?" He asked, placing his hand around your neck and lightly squeezing the sides, choking you.

"I'm sorry." You replied.

"Good girl." He said before he started to fuck you again, harder and faster.

Sweat covered both of your bodies, but Tony didn't stop until your legs were shaking for him and you came for the second and third time that night.

He groaned, falling on top of you as he came inside of you. Your hand came to rest on his hair, and you tried to fix it as it was in a mess from you pulling on it.

"Wanna take a shower with me?" He asked you and you nodded.

Some time later, you both laid in bed, cuddling. You were dressed in Tony's clothes and he had his hands around your body, holding you close to himself as he kissed the top of your head. You were close to falling asleep, but you could still hear his words."You have no idea how much I missed you. I'm never letting you go again."

The next day, the lecture was at its end and students were leaving when Curtis pulled you to one corner before you could leave.

"What do you want?" You asked him and snatched your wrist out of his hold.

"I was wondering if you want to get dinner with me tonight."

You bit on your lip as your eyes scanned over his face. "When?"

"Tonight at 8?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Then I'll pick you up at 8 tonight." He said and you nodded before quickly leaving.

You almost ran to Tony's office and closed the door after you got there, leaning against them while breathing heavily.

"You got it?" Andrew asked.

You quickly nodded and approached him, pulling Curtis' phone out of your pocket. "Of course I did. Had to agree to a dinner with him tonight just so I can get this."

"Well, if we do everything right, then you won't need to go to dinner with him."He said as he took the phone and plugged it in to his laptop.

"I hope so." You replied as your phone rang out, indicating you got a message. You pulled it out of your pocket and saw the message was from Tony. Your eyes widened when you realized Curtis' phone also rang out and Andrew saw that the message was also from Tony. "Did he receive all of my texts?"

Andrew nodded, scrolling through the texts. "Looks like it. Now we know how he knew everything."

"He's scaring me." You said.

"Don't worry about it. I'll delete everything and all proof will be gone. He'll have nothing to blackmail you with."

You nodded. "Tony asked me to go to the parking lot to show me something. I'll be right back."


You left the office and walked out into the parking lot. Most of the students and professors had left and only a few cars were left there. You looked around, trying to find where Tony was.

You heard footsteps behind you and just when you wanted to turn around, you felt someone knock you into the back of the head with something and everything turned black. Your body fell, unconscious.

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now