Part 21

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Wanda nudged you with her elbow and your gaze snapped towards the door as Tony's new assistant walked into the hall

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Wanda nudged you with her elbow and your gaze snapped towards the door as Tony's new assistant walked into the hall. The lecture was about to begin and Tony was waiting for his assistant so he can start.

"He looks like Prince Charming."Wanda whispered to you.

"Um, yeah. Sure does." You mumbled out as you moved your gaze off the tall, muscular assistant who was introducing himself (his name was Curtis), and towards Tony. He caught your gaze and smiled at you and you returned it.

After the lecture was over, you waited for a bit until everyone left the hall, leaving you alone with Tony. You approached him and he looked around to make sure nobody was there. The hall was empty and the door was closed.

"Hey." You greeted him."How are you doing?"

"I'm fine." Tony replied calmly, but you could still see the tension on his face.

"How do you like your assistant?"

Tony breathed out while placing his hands in his pocket. "We'll talk about it."

"You don't like him." You whispered and winked at him."Got it."

A small smile appeared on Tony's face."You're still coming over tonight?"

"Of course." You answered. "I gotta go now, Wanda will get suspicious. See you tonight."

"See you." You squeezed his hand in yours before you walked out.

It was a few hours later and you were about to take a shower, making sure that both, your body and hair, were smelling good. After putting on your lotion and doing your skincare, you picked out a pair of almost see-through, black lacy underwear, along with a black dress and high heels.

It wasn't long after that you were standing in front of the door to Tony's apartment, ringing the doorbell. He opened the door quickly, like he was waiting for you.

His movements stopped when he saw you, and he looked you up and down.

"Hello, professor." You said with a flirty voice, looking up at him innocently while moving your hair back so he could have a full view of your cleavage. The dress left little to imagination, and you could already see him undressing you with his eyes."Cat got your tongue?"

He grabbed your wrist and you giggled, hearing the sound of the door slamming closed before Tony pushed you against the wall and kissed you harshly. Your lower lip was caught between his teeth and he lightly bit into it, making you whimper.

"Tony... " You mumbled out.

His hands gripped on your waist as he started to place soft pecks down your neck, breathing in your heavenly scent. "You smell so good, sweetheart."He mumbled out, head still buried in your neck and the vibrations only made you even more wet.

"Please... " You tried to grind against him, but he was too strong and his hands held you in place.

"You sound pretty when you beg, Princess." He smirked.

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now