Part 4

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After the lecture was over, you were sat in Mr

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After the lecture was over, you were sat in Mr. Stark's office. He left you alone for a few moments, so you were sat in the chair in front of his desk and looking around. Your eyes scanned over the books he kept on the shelves.

Just then, the doors opened and he walked in. Your eyes followed him as he walked to his desk, but he didn't pay attention to you. He sat behind the desk, placing the papers aside and he put his hands on the table before, finally, looking at you.

"Miss Y/L/N." He spoke up, and you raised an eyebrow at him.

"Mr. Stark."

"Why do you have to continue to make my job hard?"He asked you, while your eyes widened.

"Me?" You asked. "I'm sorry, but how exactly am I making your job hard?"

Tony sighed before leaning back in his chair, his eyes never leaving yours."Why did you do Miss Maximoff's part of the project, as well?"

"Who said I did?" You asked again, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Don't play with me, Miss Y/L/N. I know you did it." He said, and you took a deep breath to calm yourself.

"I don't know what you think you know, but I didn't do her part." You said, making Tony sigh. "What did I get on the project, anyway?"

"You got 90%, Miss Y/L/N. Even if Miss Maximoff had no idea what she was talking about, I could see you put in effort. If it was you who did it, anyway." He added, making you raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You didn't pay someone to do it for you, did you?"

"Of course not!" You quickly said.

"Then it's all good." Tony nodded his head.

"Right. Can I go now?" You got up from your seat, about to leave, but he quickly stopped you.

"Not yet. Do you mind explaining what this is?" He threw the magazine on the desk, making you look at him weirdly. He gestured at you to take it, which you did and he pulled out a single cigarette, lightning it as he looked at you. "Did you skip my lectures to go on a date?"

You scoffed, throwing the magazine back on his table. "Of course not. It was a business dinner my father has with his colleagues."

"So, what you're saying is that the boy is not your boyfriend?"He asked, making you look at him suspiciously.

"He's my friend. Why do you care anyway? Is it appropriate for a professor to be interested in my private life?" You asked.

"As long as that private life interferes with my lectures and your grades, then yes it is appropriate, Miss Y/L/N."

"You should've spoken to the dean then. He was met with all the details regarding my absence." You said."I have to go back home, I have other classes and other projects."You said."Have a nice day, Mr. Stark."

And with that, you were gone. Tony stared at your figure until you disappeared from his office. He looked back to the magazine on his desk, met with the picture of you wrapped in the boy's suit jacket. He took the magazine and threw it in a bin under his desk.

Later that day, you were on a video call with Wanda while you were making yourself something to eat. She had just told you Stark called her to his office, as well.

"Did he tell you anything about the project?" You asked her, and she shrugged.

"He just told me to do my part again. I thought he'd make me drop his class, or something. But, just as I told you, he's actually really nice."

You scoffed as you wiped off the kitchen counter. "Right, nice."

"Is he not your favorite?" Wanda asked.

"My favorite is Dr. Banner. Stark? Not so much. I'm thinking of dropping his class, actually."

Wanda gasped when you said the last part, not expecting you to say that."Don't do that! Don't leave me alone there."

You sighed as you looked at your phone. "I don't know. I picked that class for fun, thinking it'd be easy, but now Stark hates me."

"He doesn't hate you." Wanda said.

"Yeah, sure he doesn't."

When you ended the call, you ate and went to bed when your phone started to ring. It was a message from your father. You looked at your phone in question. Your father never sent you messages.

You opened it quickly and sighed when you read it.

"What do you think about visiting Stark Industries?"

𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now