Part 17

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The weekend arrived quickly

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The weekend arrived quickly. You had to travel back home, since your father had took some days off work to spend them with his family. He also invited everyone to come, which included Shelley and Rhodey, along with your other uncles, aunts and cousins. You were the first one to arrive to your home that day.

After you spent half the day alone in your room, you were called downstairs by your father. "Y/N, dear, can you come down? New guests are arriving."He asked and you nodded, getting up from your bed while your father left.

You rolled your eyes and got up, thinking it was probably another aunt that you had to greet.

You made your way down the large staircase, holding onto the railing as you looked at the group that had just arrived.

Three people walked inside, and your breath stopped in your throat when you saw them.

Tony bit his lip as he watched you coming down the stairs, wearing a dress so tight, it stuck to your body and showed off your every curve.

You took a depp breath as you now finally stood in front of Shelley, Rhodey and Tony.

"I'm so glad you guys can be here before the wedding and the honeymoon."Your father said as he shook hands with Rhodey and Shelley, then moved on to Tony, who could barely go two seconds without looking at you. "And Tony, I'm so glad you made it. I was really hoping you'd show up."

While he was talking to Tony, you hugged Shelley, who pat your back and whispered in your ear. "You're welcome." You looked at Rhodey, but he didn't seem to hear anything. "He didn't want to come at first, then I told him you'd be there and he accepted."

You pulled away from her and gave her a playful glare, before you shook hands with Rhodey.

Finally, it was Tony's turn.

Memories of the night you spent together flashed in front of your eyes when your hand touched his in a handshake. "Welcome, Mr. Stark."You finally managed to say while staring into his eyes.

He licked over his lower lip as he looked at you. "Thank you."

"Y/N, you can show our guests to their rooms, right?" Your father asked you and you nodded. "I'll have Jeff bring in their bags."

"Of course." You said, letting your hand fall out of Tony's grasp and by your side. "Follow me."

After you left Shelley and Rhodey in one room together, you and Tony went to another room at the end of the hallway. You walked in, while Tony stood leaning against the door, looking you up and down with a smirk.

"Do you like it?" You said, looking around the room.

Tony looked back to make sure the place was empty before stepping inside the room and closing the door."Oh, I like it very much."

He quickly approached you and, as your back was turned to face him, he wrapped his arms around you, and you let out a gasp.

"I missed you so much, darling." He mumbled out in your ear, making you smile as you held onto his arms.

"I missed you, too." You replied as he started to kiss down your neck.

"We could've spent the weekend together, but you just had to come here."

"Well, we are still spending it together. Only... my whole family is here with us." You frowned at the thought. "Actually, you're right."

"See." Tony kissed your shoulder before turning you in his arms to face him.

"Sorry. I didn't have a choice." You mumbled out, and Tony placed his fingers under your chin to make you look up at him.

"You don't have to apologize. I'm happy as long as you're here."

You smiled before wrapping your arms around his neck and placing your lips on his in a soft kiss. He kissed you back, hands touching the sides of your face as he breathed in your scent, realizing how much he missed you.

"Y/N, dear, are you here?" Your father's voice was echoing down the hallway, making you and Tony suddenly part.

You heard a knock on the door, and they opened, revealing your father.

"I was looking for you." He said, looking at Tony, who stood by the bed, while you were on another side of the room."Why did you close the door?"

You looked at Tony, clearing your throat before speaking and pointing at the window. "I think it was because of the wind."

"The wind?" Your father asked, looking between you and Tony suspiciously.

"Yeah, I was just showing Mr. Stark around his room when it started to blow and the door closed."

"Right." He nodded. "Well, I was just wondering if you two wanted to join us. We're going to play golf."

"I would love to." Tony was the one to answer.

"You would?" Your father grinned at him. "That's great! We're starting in twenty minutes, in the backyard. Y/N can show you the way. Can you, dear?" He looked at you and you nodded.

"Yeah. Of course."You looked at Tony and bit your lip, making him shoot you a wink when your father wasn't looking. "I need to go and get changed. I'll meet you here in twenty."

"Sure." Tony replied as you stepped through the door, held open by your father, who shot Tony another smile before he left and closed the door.

Tony could still feel your lips on his. The thought made him shake his head, a grin on his face.

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