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Now lets start with the chapter 6-

[Ash goes towards Oak's laboratory as we have a timeskip when Ash reaches Oak's lab]

[Ash goes to front door and knocks on it as after few minutes a old man opens it as his eyes widen in surprise in seeing Ash]

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[Ash goes to front door and knocks on it as after few minutes a old man opens it as his eyes widen in surprise in seeing Ash]

ASH: Its good to see you again professor Oak!

PROF-OAK: Ash my boy! Its good to see you too its been a long time how have you been!

ASH: I am fine professor!

PIKACHU: Pikachu!

PROF-OAK: Its good to see you too Pikachu!

ROTOMDEX: Hello again Professor I hope you remember me!

PROF-OAK: [Surprised] Rotomdex!?

ROTOMDEX: Yup its nice seeing you again professor!

PROF-OAK: Why don't you come inside Ash!

[Professor steps aside to let in Ash and group as professor shuts the door behind as they as Ash sit on the sofa with pikachu on his side and rotom who is examining the room]

PROF-OAK: I was waiting for you Ash!

ASH: Where is tracey professor? And how is Gary?

PROF-OAK: Tracey is in Cerulean city helping Misty as she needed some help while Gary is in Unova on a mission for project Mew.. He really wants to research and see Mew... He told me how much he wish to research on Mew...

ASH: Oh.. Goh is also working hard in catching Mew! So how is your research going professor..?

PROF-OAK: Its been good and Ash thanks for lending me your Dracovish it helped me alot in my research now its done s you can have it back and other than that its been boring as its not much to research other than your pokemon Ash... Other than that Gary sure helps in interesting research as he encountered few legendary pokemon...

ASH: Wow its good for him and he is progressing... So why did you call me professor..?

PROF-OAK: Oh yes I forgot there is a surprise for you wait I will bring!

[Professor goes leaving a confused Ash and comes back after few minutes with a pokeball]

PROF-OAK: Here take and open to see what is it!

ASH: Ok...?

[Ash throws the pokeball releasing the pokemon in it as he comes out and gives a loud roar and looks at Ash and wraps him in a hug]

[Ash throws the pokeball releasing the pokemon in it as he comes out and gives a loud roar and looks at Ash and wraps him in a hug]

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