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Hi Guys so this is chapter 105 and I hope you like it and if you like it then please vote and comment on it-

[Important Question- Guys according to the movie ''Arceus and the Jewel of life'' Arceus was almost on his death-bed due to losing his plates during his clash with the meteorite but as a pokemon god who created everything handling a meteorite I think is a child's play for a god yet it was brought to his death bed... I think it doesn't make sense pretty much so giving the title the most Powerful pokemon of all times is better than a god I think because a god who creates everything can destroy a meteorite with just a snap of his finger or in Arceus case hooves lol rather brought to his death bed with just a clash.. even a UB Kartana slashed a meteor into pieces like that]

[And btw are you curious about shadow's identity? Haha I think I should give it a name and face and yeah as the chapter name states this chapter contains massive violence] 

[And yeah if you are confused than read properly besides you all didn't think this story will be like Ash will finish team renegade like all others, perform few basic aura stuff like other stories, his identity revealed in finals or semi finals [though that will happen] win in pokemon battle and the story end like any other pokemon story than no... I will make sure this story ends in a most different way though don't worry I will not exceed it more than 115 chapters because I am also thinking of ending this but like any other story.. this one will be different]

[Tip- I recommend you all read every single line carefully without skipping so to understand better. if any questions ask] 


Kanto Region [Celestial Island, HQ]-

[It was already night time in Rota as Ash and his team were getting ready to head out towards Michina town as more than ten thousands off members were standing outside wearing their cloaks waiting for further orders with many airships already in the sky hovering]

With Ash and Group-

ASH: Alright guys are you all ready?

[His 12 elites were already ready with the group of Kevin, Sheena, Riley, Damon, Carlita, Meray and Baraz ready to head out as they were also wearing the celestial cloaks now with N and his two cousins ready as well]

SHEENA: Isn't it too much members to bring for only seeing some ruins? [Says nervously as she looks at the small army of ten thousand members ready]

ASH: We are going to the ruins related to the aura energy so its pretty obvious that we will have high chances off encountering our enemies so better to be prepared.. Alright Everyone ONBOARD NOW!!

[With that everyone got onboard those airships and fly away while many also took out there pokemon which could fly and some boarded the choppers as they all head towards north as the ocean came into view]

ASH: [Through Aura] Open the path to Michina town Giratina! 

[As soon as Ash said that a ripple emerged in the water as a portal to the reverse world was opened which made Riley's group gasp in surprise]

SHEENA: Giratina!? [Says shocked]

CHLOE: I thought you all already knew that our champ has caught Giratina? [Says to the group]

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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