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Hi Guys this is chapter 46 and I hope you like it and this will be a very long chapter-

[So everyone are at the Wyndon stadium as it was filled with pokemon fans who came from all over the regions to see it and they were cheering for their respective regional champion as they were discussing about the upcoming exciting battles. The gym leaders were seated in the gym leader suite and the frontier brains in the battle frontier suite. The champions have arrived in and are in their rooms with their elite four as they wait for their call. The group were seated together at their seats excited]

 The group were seated together at their seats excited]

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With Ash-

ASH: Rotom have you informed professor Oak and Professor Kukui about our introduction?

ROTOM: Yup Ash and they said they were honored to reveal the champion of Alola and kanto to the world...

CHLOE: Hey Aaron I wanted to ask why professor Oak and Kukui I mean goodshow and others were available to introduce us and if you want then why don't ask one of them?

PAUL: Well I think because professor is the only one we can trust...? but why both one of them could do it?

ASH: Your reason is right Paul but not the correct answer... Professor Oak was always a father figure to me since my childhood as I never saw my father he guided me and helped me in so many ways... He took good care of my Mom as well and I know the professor considered my Mom as his daughter so I want my father like professor to introduce towards the world... and same goes to professor Kukui as well because he and Professor Burnet took care of me like their own son and I consider them my second family as well.... [says with a smile] and I don't want anything to happen to them!


PAUL: [Keeps a hand on his shoulder] Don't worry we will never let anyone harm them!

ASH: Thanks Paul... [Then Brendan comes and puts his right arm on Ash's shoulder and left on Paul's shoulder and grins] Now guys lets win it all what say!!

ASH: [Smiles] Yeah... 

In the Stand-

MAX: Well I am so excited when is it going to start!!

BROCK: Calm down Max its going to start soon...

DAWN: Wow look at the crowd they are surely excited..

MAX: Off course they are because the best trainers have gathered here and we don't see all the champions and elites gathered in one place....

LILLIE: Yeah they are excited but.. [looks at the crowd and sees many posters]

SHAUNA: Anything wrong?

LILLIE: No... its just I can see many posters of Kanto champion and Alola champion written on them...

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