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Hi guys so this is chapter 24 and I hope you like it-

[With that Ash travels towards the Unova region to destroy another plasma base where he could also find many information]

While In the A Sacred Place in Unova-

[Deep inside the cave in the deep mountains of Unova we hear two voices]

????: So my hero has arrived... I was waiting for you chosen one? 

????: I can sense you have found him brother... And I must say he is radiating a really massive Aura... The prophecy is taking shape and so is the upcoming danger.... and the light of hope..

????: You right sister and its time I reunite with my hero and fight beside him...

????: Then go ahead You were waiting for this day for a long time...

????: Alright and I hope you find your hero too...

[With that he glows and shots into the sky disappearing in the clouds as the other voice says]

????: Staying with him will keep you safe from the darkness and I hope we see each other again soon brother...

With Ash as they reach Unova-

[Ash tells the butler to land near Driftvel city outskirts in the forest as Ash concentrates on his Aura and finds some unstable Aura energy as he concentrates and finds the location and goes towards it and finds the entrance deep inside the forest in a abandoned building as goes inside and asks rotom to scan the area and tell about it while he wears his cloak]

ASH: [Thinks] I can't find any Pokémon's Aura here so it must be a training base...

[Note- Training base are built for those orphaned trainers who are abducted by the team organization and brought here to force them to do their bidding]

ROTOM: [Scans the area and a map appears and Ash looks at it] Ash this is a very small base and it only has 3 chambers. One for training, One for storage of food supplies and the last for the base leader and it belongs to team plasma....

ASH: [Thinks] They really have gotten active and have spread fast...

ASH: Alright thanks rotom! 

ASH: [Thinks] If their are abducted kids here than it is risky to attack it with pokemon.. I have to do it stealthy... [Picks up few pokeballs tossing them as Greninja, Sceptile, Gengar, Lucario and Pikachu [who was in Ash's bag] came outside and looks at Ash]

ASH: Alright Gengar you hide in my shadows and knock out grunts with hypnosis if needed and keep an eye and Greninja, Sceptile and Lucario you attack the base but be stealthy and Pikachu when I say create a electric attack for distraction alright!

ASH: Alright Gengar you hide in my shadows and knock out grunts with hypnosis if needed and keep an eye and Greninja, Sceptile and Lucario you attack the base but be stealthy and Pikachu when I say create a electric attack for distraction alright!

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ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now