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Hi Guys this is Chapter 60 and I hope you like it so enjoy-

ASH: [Looks straight in his eyes as Ash's Aura starts to flare up as he senses a incredible amount of Aura from the UB] You have quite a large amount of Aura...

????: [Speaks through Aura but everyone can hear it] And you too... I have never sensed so much power... Lets have a duel you win we fall back I win we take charge...

ASH: Accepted!!

????: [Turns to the UBs] Take out the others while I will fight him only and if I lost we fall back!!

[The UBs nod as they fight the agents while Zeraora looks at Rayquaza intently then at Ash as Ash understood and motions to Rayquaza who roars as he glares at him]

ASH: Lets begin... Zeraora...

[Yeah its a shiny Zeraora]

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[Yeah its a shiny Zeraora]

ZERAORA: So you know about my species huh...?

ASH: I have encountered you species two times already so not much trouble... 

ZERAORA: [Smirks] But don't judge my power like them..

ASH: Lets see Rayquaza use Dragon pulse!!!

[Rayquaza uses dragon pulse on Zeraora who dodges easily as he jumps high and fires a discharge at Rayquaza who floats away dodging it]

ASH: Now Rayquaza fire hyper beam!!

[Rayquaza fires a hyper beam which Zeraora manages to dodge swiftly as the hyper goes past him hitting few UBs who faint or get weakened]

ASH: [Thinks] He is too fast...

[Zeraora uses discharge on the field as smoke appears and Zeraora appears behind Rayquaza who was unable to sense him and Zeraora uses thunder punch hard and Rayquaza was slammed into the ground]

ASH: Rayquaza!

[Zeraora leaps up as his arms crack in electricity as he uses Plasma fists and the ground crumbles with electricity and Rayquaza screams in pain]

ASH: [Grits his teeth] Plasma fists... that is one devastating move.. RAYQUAZA!! I know you can do it get up!! Use Draco Meteor!!!

[Rayquaza roars and launches Draco Meteor into the sky as the ball explodes into meteors which heads towards Zeraora who uses Thunder punch and destroys those meteors as Ash was surprised]

ASH: He is too strong... we need more power... RAYQUAZA!! [Rayquaza looks at Ash] lets do it! 

[Rayquaza nods as Ash's Aura flare up and both Ash and Rayquaza are surrounded in a golden Aura as Ash says]

ASH: Alright Rayquaza let our hearts become one!! Mega Evolve!! 

[Rayquaza roars as golden tentacles start to appear and she mega evolves and wind picks up while everyone hold their grounds steady]

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now