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Hi Guys this is chapter 74 and I hope you like it and this will be a long chapter so enjoy!

[The tag team battle between Ash and Max vs Brandon and Hugh was about to begin as they prepare to send out their pokemon while we see Ash's friends waiting for the battle to start in the stands]

In Stands-

BROCK: This battle for Max will not be easy...

BONNIE: How come? He is partnered with the Champion so he will win right?

CLEMONT: No Bonnie the battle is not decided with who you are partnered with but with how you adapt in.

[Some people of the group was confused by it as Brock explains it ahead]

BROCK: It means that you are not only fighting your opponent but you also have to know your partner's battling style and adapt it with your style as well... Now trainers like Max are at a level lower then champions so are their pokemon and their skills and champion trainers have incredible skills at which they can act upon and more experience.... Champion Aaron's battling skills are at another level and we have already seen how powerful his pokemon are and he likes to battle in a brutal style with going on offense while Max likes to know his opponents first then adapt a style accordingly... 

MAY: [Smiles] Yeah Max likes to battle fairly like Ash.. have fun while battling with your pokemon and learn more about them through battles!

CILAN: Its like two flavors of sweet and spicy which are really tough to mix with to get a good taste.. [Everyone sweatdrop at his statement]

BROCK: Yeah and that is why it will be difficult for Max... and his opponents are strong as well and having battling Brandon who uses legendary Regi trio will not be easy...

CHEREN: And how well we know Hugh he doesn't even give a chance to fight back going for straight victory...

DAWN: Well then we can only see how this goes out right?

[Everyone looks at the field as the battle was about to begin]

In Battlefield-

REFEREE: The three on three tag team battle between Pyramid King Brandon and Hugh from Aspertia city versus Champion Aaron and Max Maple from Petalburg is about to begin! Trainers will use three pokemon with no substitutions and the match will be over with either side left with no pokemon so bring out your pokemon!

HUGH: Eelektross lets crush them! 

MAX: Flygon I choose you!

BRANDON: Registeel I need your assistance! 

ASH: [Looks at the pokeball] Lets show them your power! [Throws the pokeball as Blaziken emerge]

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ASH: [Looks at the pokeball] Lets show them your power! [Throws the pokeball as Blaziken emerge]

[All the four pokemon land on the battlefield and give their respective cries and glare at each other as the referee signals the battle to begin]

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now