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Hi Guys this is chapter 90 and I hope you like it and this will be a long chapter so enjoy-

[The battle rages on while Ash, Mistress and their teams fight while the legends also defend themselves from the team attacks while fighting each other as well as their was a massive fight broken out in the skies of the shamouti Islands with the terrifying storm still raging on caused by the imbalance of power]

PAUL: At this rate I think almost all the regions will be drowned in water if we continue it for far too long... [Says as his Garchomp releases a huge blast of draconic energy which hits the opponent's pokemon]

HILDA: Well its not like we are getting out of it anytime soon... so its best we finish it faster I just hope the regions are faring better out their...

PAUL: Hmm..

In Sinnoh-

[We see two familiar professors from Alola at a hotel in Jubilife city looking at the city as they had a worried face]

PROF-KUKUI: [Worried] This storm is becoming more and more intense... [Looks down] The streets have started to become flooded I just hope this gets sorted out soon otherwise we don't know what will happen...

PROF-BURNET: [Caressing Lei on her lap] Don't worry Dear.. we should not think about negative and I am sure we will get out of this safely.. besides its not the first time we are trapped in this type of situation..

PROF-KUKUI: [Chuckles] Yeah... I wish he was with us now though knowing him he would have been at the epicenter of its cause.. [Looks at the T.V news]

REPORTER: Reports of the weather effects have reached the regions of Alola and Unova as well as kalos by now has faced the most deaths so far. Ambrette town, Shalour city and Coumarine city has been flooded in water and damage has been on great scale. Towns of dendimelle and Snowbelle city have been covered in a massive snowstorms with temperature dropping to -70 degree and Lumiose city is facing a shortage of water with people depending on water pokemon for their lifelines as the city is hit by a massive drought. Most of the galar has been frozen in ice while the coastal cities have been flooded in water while reports of Avalanche in mountains of Unova has caused great damage to the cities and people. Many have lost their lives and the weather is getting more and more worse in the regions. The Champion of Hoenn, Johto and Sinnoh are doing their best to control the situation while everyone are hoping their lives on the champions of Kanto Aaron and Unova champion Hilbert who are present at the epicenter of this global calamity but the question remains in everyone's mind. What will become of the regions?

PROF-KUKUI: This is not good... many people will be homeless when all of this will end...

PROF-BURNET: We can only pray dear.. and what about Alola how is the situation their..?

PROF-KUKUI: Its safe for now with minor damage on the coastal areas as the sea barrier has been lifted but the Islands are still at major threat and if this doesn't stop then in few days the whole regions of Alola will be submerged into the water... If it wasn't for champion Aaron's efforts the region would have been submerged into the water by now because its mostly water in the region...

[Suddenly a massive bolt of lightning striked the ground near the hotel destroying a tree as Lie woke up and started crying as Burnet tries to calm her down while Kukui soon sits beside his wife and pats his son lovingly then he looks outside]

PROF-KUKUI: [Worried and sacred] Now the lives of people and pokemon depend upon you champion Aaron. Please save us...

In Lily of the Valley Conference-

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