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Now lets start with the chapter 8 so here we go-

[As the dust clears Ash sees his Mom all bruised with burns and blood covered all over her body as Ash rushes towards her Mom and puts her head on his lap as he cries]

ASH: M-Mom...[says in tears]

DELIA: Ash g-get out of h-here.... leave a-and save y-yourself... [says weakly and coughs blood]

ASH: M-Mom I can't leave you here... [says in tears]

GIOVANNI: You were lucky but you will not be anymore! [Was about to command but was interrupted by a voice]

????: Sir we have to leave fast!

GIOVANNI: [Turns around and glares at her] Matori what happened I was going to kill him!!!

MATORI: Sir we have detected that the champion and elites of kanto with the gym leaders are arriving here so we have to escape now!

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MATORI: Sir we have detected that the champion and elites of kanto with the gym leaders are arriving here so we have to escape now!

GIOVANNI: ... Ok prepare to leave and blast this place! but first Nidoking Fire blast!

[Nidoking launches a Kanji of Fire which hits the ceiling as Ash and his Mom are surround in fire as the whole house starts to burn]

GIOVANNI: On my command blast this place!!

MATORI: Yes Sir! [They go out of the house where they see many grunts as Matori turn towards them!!

MATORI: When I say blast the house with your powerful attacks from all directions!! And prepare to leave at once!

GRUNTS: [Salutes] yes Mam!

[With that Giovanni and Matori goes towards their Airship]

With Ash-

[We can see Ash hugging his Mom as pikachu comes towards Delia with tears and Hugs her as well as Delia smiles towards Ash]

ASH: Mom don't worry I will save you!

DELIA: You have to leave Ash! *Coughs* Go and leave me and complete your dream my son...

ASH: I can't do it Mom!!! I couldn't save you I was not strong enough.... Everyone was right I am just a weak pathetic trainer who can't do anything...

DELIA: No Ash... You are not weak my Son you are strong and don't give up on yourself go and achieve your dream my son...

ASH: But I can't do it without your support Mom.. [says in tears]

DELIA: You will always have my support Ash no matter what! And I will always watch you getting stronger.... Don't think of what others say and always believe in yourself Ash... You are not alone you have your pokemon with you... You have Pikachu... right Pikachu? [Looks at pikachu]

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now