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Hi Guys this is Chapter 25 and I hope you like it-

[Ash and Nate reach the Kalos region and they land inside the forest near Gloire city and attack the base with their pokemon]

Gloire City Master Class-

PIERRE: And the Winner of this year master class is [Sees the votes and the pink bark was filled slightly more than the blue so he looks at Serena and says] SERENA YVONNE!!

[And with that Serena has happy tears as her pokemon hug her and the crowd erupted in cheers while Aria had a sad smile but hid it and ensured her pokemon that they did their best and its what matters the most as they had sad smiles]

PIERRE: Now I would like our former Kalos Queen Aria to give the tiara to our new Kalos Queen Serena Yvonne!

[Aria goes towards Serena and places the tiara on her head and claps while the crowd again erupts in cheers as Serena looks at Aria with a sad expression and says]

SERENA: I am sorry you are no longer the Kalos Queen...

ARIA: [Laughs] Its alright beside I knew this day would come and I am happy that you are the kalos queen and if I wanted to loose to someone it would be you Kalos Queen Serena! [Extends her hand] 

SERENA: Thanks Aria... And you and Palermo helped me alot... I still remember the day you came as Arianna and helped me..

ARIA: [Chuckles] I just saw your spirit and helped you... always remember that if you have strong bonds with your pokemon you can achieve anything!

SERENA: Thanks and I know... someone use to say that you and your pokemon are partners and can achieve anything if we work together [says with a sad smile and had few tears]

[Aria also had a sad smile as she knew who was Serena talking about and she was also impressed by the boy and his bond with his pokemon. She was shocked to see the transformation of Greninja in kalos league]

ARIA: You know he would be proud on seeing you achieving your dream... I think you should celebrate now... I should leave now..

SERENA: Can't you stay we would have fun...

ARIA: I am sorry but I have to rest now and tomorrow I will return to my home but you have my support and hope you have a great journey as the Kalos Queen!

SERENA: Thanks Aria and I hope we compete again I really like to have a match with you...

ARIA: Sure! [With that Aria returns her pokemon and leaves and goes towards her room as she opens the door to see palermo] Palermo?

PALERMO: You did great but you lacked many qualities in this performance Aria....

ARIA: I am sorry Palermo... but I did my best... [says sadly]

PALERMO: But I don't think it was your best... You do know now that as the co-founder its my duty to train only the kalos Queen for her roles and make sure that Pokemon Performances blossom in Kalos...

ARIA: [Sighs] I know when I read the form when I became the Kalos Queen so my work is done now... I am free...

PALERMO: I have to mentor Serena now... So its over between us Aria but I hope you work on your performances... We can use your skills to blossom performances more...

ARIA: [Thinks and says] No Palermo you know being a performer was not my dream and now its over I want to find my own dream... and you know what it is that I like....

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