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Hi Guys this is chapter 20 and I hope you like it-

[Ash after catching solgaleo heads out of the vast Poni canyon and was about to head to the exit only to be interrupted by a voice]

????: So you are a trial goer and I think you surpassed the dragon trial...

[Ash looks behind to see a familiar girl]

????: Greetings I am a trial captain Mina and I specialize in fairy types and I saw your Island challenge tag so I think you must be attempting the Island challenge

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????: Greetings I am a trial captain Mina and I specialize in fairy types and I saw your Island challenge tag so I think you must be attempting the Island challenge..?

ASH: Yeah..? So their are more trials now... What is your trial...?

MINA: I simply like to see the bonds so I only have battles in my trials... How about 3 on 3?

ASH: Alright...

MINA: By the way why are you wearing a cloak?

ASH: Privacy! Now lets start... [Picks a pokeball from his belt and throws it revealing a Floatzel who takes a battle stance]

MINA: Alright lets go Shinotic!

[Timeskip as Ash completely destroyed Mina with Floatzel as she was shocked but gave him a fairium z as Ash thanks her for a great battle and goes off. Ash arrives near the ruins of hope where he sees Hapu and he jumps down in front of her]

ASH: Kahuna Hapu I challenge you for the grand trial! [Says showing his Dragonium and Fairium z as Hapu nods and walks opposite taking a battle stance]

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ASH: Kahuna Hapu I challenge you for the grand trial! [Says showing his Dragonium and Fairium z as Hapu nods and walks opposite taking a battle stance]

HAPU: Alright now how about 3 on 3!

ASH: Alright but I want to battle your Ace team!

HAPU: I accept!

ASH: [Smirks and unclips a pokeball and looks at it] Lets test your strength now... [He tosses it revealing his Ace from hoenn Sceptile]

HAPU: Alright lets go Golurk! 

[With that the final grand trial had begun as Ash and Hapu battle but we can see Ash's sceptile pushing back Hapu's Golurk. After rounds of battle where Ash's sceptile defeated Golurk, Hippowdown and they were on their last round of Sceptile vs Mudsdale as after a few exchange of moves Hapu activates her Z move as they take position]

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now