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Hi Guys this is chapter 52 and I hope you like it-

[Ash after finishing Calem arrived back at the hotel with Paul and Gladion and they explained the incident to the other elites as Aria and Selene were angry by what Calem said but happy when Ash took care of him as they sleep to get ready for the arriving day while Ash will relax since his round 3 match already happened to regain his strength after using too much Aura]

Timeskip Next Day-

[Ash and his elites were seated in their private chamber and others in their respected places but this time Serena decided to sit with her friends in the stands since she hasn't overcome past the incident while the champions were discussing among each other and they looked horrified and shocked as we could also see some officers with them when Goodshow appeared in the stadium]

GOODSHOW: My greetings to all the trainers! Champions! Elites! Frontier Brains! Kahunas and Gym leaders! Today we will begin the rest of the rounds but before we start we have some important matters to discuss...

[Everyone were murmuring about the talk as Goodshow cleared his throat and said]

GOODSHOW: You might remember Calem Xavier who we thought was a great trainer but in reality was a admin of team flare which was revealed thanks to Champion Aaron... He was being taken to the Prison last night when the Van and the officers were attacked by the cloaked figures which we couldn't recognize because it was dark... They took away Calem with them which we thought had come to help him escape when we heard a massive explosion and when the officers came to the place we found a burned dead body of Calem Xavier who was recognized by the pokedex and analyzing his blood... [Everyone gasp] We were shocked as well and we searched the whole area for clues regarding it and found a card few feets away which had a Team flare symbol on it which suggests that Team Flare have killed Calem as he had failed them and they were scared he might release the information regarding team flare... We couldn't find out about the motives of team flare but we now know that team flare is active so we have the league officials, International Police and G-Men after them but we suggest you all to stay alert and if you find anything suspicious report us!!

With Ash And His Elites-

SELENE: Team Flare?

ASH: I threw a card which had a team flare symbol on it so they suspect that team flare is responsible for it and we can remain in secret for now... 

NATE: Well that was quick thinking...

ASH: Hmm... 

With Goodshow-

GOODSHOW: Now we will start with the rest of the rounds!

In Stands-

MAX: Well I against a trainer named Cameron so I should get going...

IRIS: Beware of his Lucario Max that pokemon defeated Ash in when he participated in Unova league...

MAX: Then I will defeat him and make Ash proud... [looks at the sky] I just hope he sees how I am improving..

MAY: [Smiles as she pats his head] He will and he must be proud of you today...

DAWN: Yeah.... [Becomes sad] I hope he is proud of all of us... I really miss him he is unforgettable...

ZOEY: Hey... I am sure he will be fine and would want you to move forward so lets focus on the matches and cheer our friends!!

SOLIDAD: Yeah I will leave to..

DREW: Who are you going to cheer?

SOLIDAD: I wanna see Selene's battle... Even if she is a Elite four member she is a great coordinator so I can learn something from her...

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now