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Hi Guys this is chapter 41 and I hope you like it and don't worry I am not going to add fusion pokemon. I added delta because it was made as a part of pokemon game Insurgence and it has its own plot-

[Charizard and Metagross fell into the Delta lake as Ash's eyes widen in horror and he runs towards the lake followed by the elites]

ASH: [Sees through the lake and yells their name]

NATE: Aaron what happened to Charizard and Metagross!

PAUL: They fell into the lake with the delta liquid... I hope they are alright...

SELENE: I fear the worst as something is gonna happen...

With the Leader-

RAI: Lets get out of here while we have the chance...

STRIDE: Yeah.. they all are strong and we can't face them...

LEADER: NO! I will not run all those years of sacrifice, pain and hardwork will not end like this... I will destroy them!!!

With Ash-

[Ash closes his eyes and sent a Aura pulse into the lake and nothing happened for few moments when suddenly bubbles start to emerge from the lake as they look at it and soon charizard and Metagross emerge but they were screaming in pain and Ash and the others were horrified as their veins were turned blue on their body]

ASH: Charizard! Metagross! What is happening are you alright!?

NATE: That liquid is affecting them.... I wonder...

SELENE: I think they might....

ASH: [Soon realization hit him as he looks at them] Don't tell me they are..

PAUL: They are transforming into delta pokemon now...

[And soon their fear and guess were answered as Charizard soon screams loud and his body starts to change as his body turns purple color and his stomach turned cream color. His wings also grew in size with purple from behind and yellow from front and the wings soon were enveloped in red burning flames like that of a galarian moltres and its eyes become green as it starts to pant as the transformation finishes]

 His wings also grew in size with purple from behind and yellow from front and the wings soon were enveloped in red burning flames like that of a galarian moltres and its eyes become green as it starts to pant as the transformation finishes]

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[Just imagine it had wings on fire and this is delta Charizard which has three types]

GLADION: C-Charizard changed...?

PAUL: What about Metagross!?

[They look at Metagross and gasp as it has also changed in its looks. It grew in size and the X on his head turned to grass with its body made of unbreakable rock as his eyes turned green and it also had crystals on its legs]

 It grew in size and the X on his head turned to grass with its body made of unbreakable rock as his eyes turned green and it also had crystals on its legs]

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ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now