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Hi Guys this is chapter 22 and I hope you like it-

[Ash in his private jet was watching the news regarding Alola champion as Kukui said his name as the Mysterious champion and Ash smiled glad the professor kept his promise as Selene was asleep tired on bed while Pikachu was sitting beside him eating ketchup to which he sighs as they were moving to kanto]

ASH: Well now I have my title back and my identity hidden. [Looks at Selene] And a wise and strong elite member though I have to find three more but who will I choose....[thinks about it but was cut off his thoughts as he feels a distress in his Aura] Wait this feeling...

ROTOM: [From his bracer] What happened Ash?

ASH: Rotom I am detecting a distressed Aura signal... I trained my Aura so I can detect the Aura of pokemon who are in dire need of help and I can also feel evil around them... Can you tell me where are we now..?

ROTOM: We are near vermillion city? Why?

ASH: Can you scan the area outside saffron city!

ROTOM: Sure! [Rotom scans the area and after few moments answers] Ash I can detect unstable energy near the underground path near saffron city and it might be a rocket base....

[As soon as Ash heard it he clenched his fist and headed towards the cockpit and tells Butler to land near outskirts of saffron city which the Butler nods and lands near it as Ash gets out wearing his cloak with pikachu on his shoulder]

ASH: Stay here and keep the plane in camouflage mode.. I will be back don't worry and if Selene wakes up tell her I will be back soon and she should stay inside!

B.TYLER: Alright Prince Aaron take care!

ASH: Don't worry I will be safe [Looks at Rotom] Rotom point me the direction!

[Rotom opens a digital map and points a red spot far from Ash as he head towards the said direction]

Timeskip when Ash reaches the location-

ASH: Is this the place rotom?


[Ash looks at his surroundings to only find forest and hills as he looks at all directions then closes his eyes and reopens them as they glow blue [Aura vision] and looks at the surroundings as he notice a small entrance inside the rocks than looks at pikachu]

ASH: Pikachu hit that rock with your strongest thunderbolt then use Iron tail full power!

[Pikachu immediately trusting Ash uses thunderbolt at the rock as it creates an explosion as few cracks start to form then Pikachu lunges at the rock with Iron tail which destroys it completely covering the place in dust. As the dust clears to reveal a huge cave as Ash heads inside followed by Pikachu]

ASH: [Turns to his bracer] Rotom scan the area!

[Rotom does a virtual scan and tells Ash]

ROTOM: There are eleven grunts and three are heading this way!

[Ash after hearing it immediately hides as the door opens revealing three grunts with a Houndoom, a Mightyena and a Raticate as they look at the surroundings while Ash looks at pikachu]

ASH: Knock them down with electro web and follow it up with thunderbolt!

[Pikachu launches a electroweb which hits them suddenly as they failed to dodge and scream in pain and faint when Pikachu hits them with thunderbolt then I jump down and took few pokeballs releasing my six pokemon which were A lucario, Sceptile, Garchomp, Swellow, Emboar [Ash's pignite evolved] and leavanny]

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now