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Hi Guys this is chapter 66 and I hope you like it and this will be a very long chapter so enjoy-

Timeskip When Ash and Group reached Johto Region- 

[The Aquarius docked near Tohjo Falls which once used to connect Kanto and Johto but after the split it marks as the end of Johto border as they board the plane and fly towards Silver town]

Timeskip When they reach Silver Town-

[The plane lands near the private hotel as the group rest for the night

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[The plane lands near the private hotel as the group rest for the night. The next day Dawn and Lillie meet up with their own group while Ash and his elites move to the stadium and Ash and his elites move to their own private suite which to their own joy was available]

With Ash-

ASH: Its good thing we finally have our own elite suite here...

PAUL: Yeah I was really uncomfortable sitting with the other regional elites they were just staring at us..

SELENE: It was creepy..

ASH: Looks like its starting..

[They all look as Goodshow appear on the stage and speaks]

GOODSHOW: Welcome all the trainers to the World Championships and now we will announce the rules for round 7 and 8 and this time it will be a individual 3 vs 3 battle and the match-ups for round 7 has been released!!

[With that the screen lits up as they all see their matchups and Ash looks at the screen to see himself matched against the elite four of Hoenn Drake]

ASH: So I am against Drake huh.. it will be fun and after the defeat I got during my travels in Hoenn I can get my revenge.. [smirks]

PAUL: Wow... I am against Gloria huh.. talk about facing your own teammates..

ASH: You know it doesn't matter because even if we kept on ranking up it will not be longer when we have to face each other so the best thing to do is fight as trainer!

PAUL: I know that! Gloria better be ready.. [Grins]

SELENE: Well I got easy I am against Volkner of the sinnoh gym leader...

GLADION: Atleast I still got a challenge.. I am against the last remaining member of the Galar elite four Victor...with his defeat galar will also have no elite four left to represent!

CHLOE: It looks like we are going to face each other in the battlefield Hilda...

HILDA: Hmm... Hey Chloe.. so may the best trainer wins! [Raises her fist]

CHLOE: Yeah! [Bumps her fist as they smile determined] Remember I am not going down without a fight!

BRENDAN: Now this will be interesting.. I am against Anabel of the Kanto frontier brain..

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now