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Hi Guys this is chapter 17 and I hope you like it and if you do than please vote and comment on it-

With Ash and Hala last battle round-

HALA: Lets do this! [Puts the fighting type z into the z ring and crosses his arms performing a dance to activate the Z move]

ASH: Talonflame hold nothing back this time! Brave bird and flame charge into Nitro flame shot!


[Bewear launches his Z move as Talonflame rises into the sky covering itself in flames and than takes a dive increasing its speed which broke the sound barrier while the flames on its body also turned purple shocking everyone as it clashed with Bewear before it could even launch its Z move with full strength resulting an explosion which created powerful shockwaves of air current as Hala and Referee were thrown backwards while the spectators have fallen on the ground but Ash had managed to maintain his grip as he looks at the battle with expectations]

HALA: [After maintaining his balance, looks at the battle in shock] This trainer.. how much strength does he have and where did he come from. He's not from Alola that's for sure..

[As the dust clears it shocks everyone [except Ash and Hala] as they saw both pokemon were lying fainted in a huge crator though Bewear had the most damage with bruises as Ash approaches his talonflame and pets it who open his eyes barely and looks at Ash with a smile as Ash looks at his pokemon with pride]

ASH: You did awesome talonflame and I am proud of you! We will train harder to overcome the Z move but you deserve rest and thanks for the victory my friend... You deserve a rest.

[Talonflame smiles and nuzzles Ash's cheek as Ash returns him back and sees Hala petting Bewear and returning him after saying some comforting words as he walks towards Ash with a disbelief look]

HALA: [Nervous] H-How did your P-pokemon tied with a Z-Z move....

ASH: Hard training and with the power of our bond can we overcome tasks that are impossible Kahuna Haha. Now its better we treat our pokemon at the Pokemon-center so can I have my reward for the battle...? [says in a cold and neutral voice]

HALA: [Smiles while shaking his head] You are one trainer who made me feel the fear and awe of strength in this battle... This battle I will forever remember and it looks like you have made me realize that I am too old for today's generation..

ASH: Kahuna Hala, age has nothing to do with how strong you and your pokemon become but the time and effort you put into it. Even you can become strong Kahuna Hala. A Kahuna chosen by the Island Guardian is really someone special among thousands.. 

[Hala was surprised and touched by the words of the young man as he knew that not everyone would praise the losing party while many showing there arrogant attitude but this young man before him was clearly different]

HALA: Well than I look forward to battling you again in the future.. here. [The referee hands over a box which Hala takes and opens it showing it to Ash who was surprised seeing so many Z crystals] I am curious about where you got a Z ring but I know you are worthy one so I would not question much... you can choose any one of the Z-crystal you like. 

[Ash looks at the Z-crystals and than picks a Fightinium Z]

ASH: Than I guess I choose this one. Thanks Kahuna Hala. [With that Ash walks away while Hala closes the box and looks at the back of the young man who defeated him]

HALA: This kid is truly someone mysterious...

[The spectators of Iki town also look at the cloaked person with awe and fear when a young 9 year old kid runs towards him with some fear as Ash sensing the kid stops]

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