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Hi Guys this is chapter 37 so I hope you like it-

With Dawn-

[With Ash left Dawn was looking at the sky when a voice interrupted her as she looks behind to see a familiar girl as her eyes widen and she says]

????: You know I never got a chance to congratulate you after you suddenly ran out...

DAWN: Miss S-Selene...!

SELENE: Congrats on your win Miss Berlitz! [Extends her hand]

DAWN: T-Thanks.. [shakes her hand] I-I still can't believe I am shaking hands with the Contest Queen...

SELENE: [giggles] Its not that big deal Miss Berlitz... I only tried like any other...

DAWN: Please just call me Dawn and its a very big deal! Everyone have tried for years and Lisia became the contest Queen after 3 years when she started and you just risen in ranks and became the Queen in just six months!! I am a really big fan of your moves and combinations and your Decidueye and the other pokemon I have seen are really awesome!!

SELENE: Thanks! [Says flattered]

DAWN: Yeah even my Mom who was a top coordinator admired your combinations and she really admired your contests performance!

SELENE: Oh... really then please say my thanks for the support from your Mom and I had really fun meeting you but I have to go now and congrats again hope we have match in future! Bye!

[With that Selene leaves as Dawn watches her go and she was delighted to meet Selene as she goes inside the center and meets up with the group]

MAY: Dawn! Congrats on the win! 

ZOEY: Yeah Dawn it was a great comeback after the win!

DAWN: Thanks guys!

SOLIDAD: Though where were you? We saw your running after the award ceremony and we didn't find you anywhere?

DAWN: Well I said goodbye to Aaron and then I met up with the Contest Queen SELENE!!

MAY: No Way! You met her what did she say! [Says excited]

DAWN: Well she congratulated me and .... [explains the talk as they were surprised]

DREW: Well getting recognized by her is a great feat Dawn wish I could also meet her.. [downcast]

DAWN: Come on cheer up you will surely meet her!

ZOEY: Yeah and I can't wait for my match now I think I should leave I have to go back to snowpoint city and meet up with candince! [Zoey leaves]

SOLIDAD: We should leave as well our flight for Hoenn is today don't wanna miss it!

DAWN: So you are doing the Hoenn circuit what about kanto I heard you were attempting it..?

SOLIDAD: Well I was but recently kanto has got a champion and he stopped the contests in kanto so we had to leave we were quite disappointed though...

DAWN: What! So their are no contests in kanto from now on...

DREW: Yeah now Contests are only done in Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh only! Well we have to go see you soon Dawn!

MAY: Hope we meet and compete again Dawn it was nice seeing you after months!

DAWN: Sure May [Hugs her]

MAY: So where are you going next though?

DAWN: Well I would like to finish my contests in Sinnoh..

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