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Hi Guys this is chapter 101 and I hope you like it and it will be a long one so enjoy-

[Tobias had lost half of his pokemon in the 6 on 6 full battle with only 3 pokemon remaining while Ash had all his pokemon ready to fight as the round 4 battle begin]

TOBIAS: You might have got the shine in the first half but second half will be mine! [Takes out his pokeball]

ASH: I would like my pokemon to do the talking! [Takes out his own pokeball]

TOBIAS/ASH: Deoxys! Show them your speed!/ I choose you Greninja!

[Both pokemon appear on the battlefield as people look intently at Deoxys as it was known as a pokemon who can change into three different types and was able to match with Rayquaza]

[Both pokemon appear on the battlefield as people look intently at Deoxys as it was known as a pokemon who can change into three different types and was able to match with Rayquaza]

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[Deoxys with its speed, defense, attack and origin form]

TOBIAS: Use Zen headbutt!!

ASH: Dodge it and attack back with Water Shuriken!!

[Deoxys transforms into attack form and shot towards Greninja who at the end moment disappears from the spot showing his incredible speed surprising Deoxys and Tobias as well as the audience while Greninja slams a water Shuriken from behind which hits Deoxys who winces while he manages to dodge the other two Shuriken]

TOBIAS: [Thinks] That Greninja is incredibly fast and it being dark type which means Psychic will won't have any effect on him.. [Then says] Deoxys speed form use Zap canon!

[Deoxys transforms into speed form and moves at a unimaginable speed coming infront of Greninja and slams him with a zap canon as Greninja winces and was thrown few feets back clearly dealing a great damage]

ASH: [Thinks frustated] Deoxys pokemon are known for their forms who specialize in each stat and speed form in the fastest.. we have to be careful.. [Then says] Alright Greninja use double team and then use Aerial ace!!

[Greninja quickly gets on his feets and runs creating several copies which were many in numbers as they all have their feets glowing activating the attack while Tobias was really messed in that part]

TOBIAS: This is a problem Deoxys doesn't have an attack which can hit from all sides.. [Whispers then commands] Deoxys use extreme speed to dodge!!

[Deoxys showcases its incredible speed but Greninja did manage to hit the pokemon as it was strained by the several copies of Greninja and couldn't overpower them]

ASH: Water Shuriken!!

TOBIAS: Reflect!!

[Deoxys summons reflect cutting half the power of attack which will hit it as Water shuriken slam into him 3 times but its power was lowered not dealing much damage]

ASH: Aerial Ace!!

[All the Greninja run towards Deoxys but this time Tobias doesn't command to attack which confuses Ash as they were about to hit Deoxys when Tobias said]

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