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Hi Guys this is Chapter 67 and I hope you like it and it will be a long chapter so enjoy-

[Ash and his elites after the meeting go back to their hotel as they were tired from the stress and rest for the night]

Timeskip till Morning-

[Everyone woke up and all were gathered in the Dining hall having breakfast when Paul speaks]

PAUL: So what now...

NATE: What do you mean?

PAUL: I mean we have seen how Plasma and Aqua targeted high tier legendaries like Kyurem and Kyogre and Magma was also targeting Groudon but we took it first and we ended Plasma and Aqua so that remains with Skull, Magma, Galactic, Cosmos, Flare and finally the most dangerous Rocket...

GARY: So who we should target next... Magma I mean its mostly destroyed and only Maxie remains so we destroy it first?

SELENE: That is risky we already know Hoenn is on high alert after the daring step we took so attacking hoenn again is too risky even if we setup barriers.. we can still be revealed...

ASH: Selene is right besides Magma is mostly destroyed so it can only serve Rocket now and skull is not even a developed team just a bunch of group mostly having 100 members and a idiotic leader who I have already showed its place in the past... [Selene laughed] 

SELENE: I will never forget that day.. and it was the day I met you for the first time!! and I when I fell in love... [says the last part in a whisper]

ROSA: Really how did you guys met I want to hear as well [excited]

ARIA: Me too!

GLADION: Girls these days.. we have more important matters to discuss then hearing the past so you girls can hear it afterwards!!

ROSA: [Angry] Atleast we know how to interact not like a certain blonde who can't even care to show a expression!!

BRENDAN: Seriously guys atleast we should talk knowing the atmosphere and we are talking about serious things here not to talk about the past girls!

CHLOE: Hey atleast we know how to lighten up the atmosphere!

[With that the girls and boys began to argue with each other while Ash had many tick marks on his head as we getting annoyed and then says]



[With that everyone silent and turn to see a annoyed Ash whose eyes were glaring and glowing crimson]

ASH: We are here to discuss about the what to do next not to have a Girls vs Boys TOURNAMENT! So keep quiet!!

[With that everyone keep their heads down and apologize as Ash calms down]

ASH: Guys we all know what situation we are going through and we can't even back away now so we have to stay focused and most of all united in this.. so first we discuss the matters then you girls can discuss what you wanna discuss clear!

[Everyone nod]

ASH: So I was saying lets keep magma aside for now and we wait for skull to make a move as I had got reports of them upto something... For now we have our two main targets... First we will target team Cosmos and weaken it getting rid of Rose and team skull... We also have to release Eternatus..

HILDA: But how will we find it... we searched many places and we are unable to find any clues of it and even our spies in Cosmos report that only Chairman Rose knows where it is kept... 

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now