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Hi Guys this is Chapter 26 and I hope you like it-

[Ash and Co return to Rota in Kanto where Aria and Nate comes to know of Ash being a Prince Of Rota which shocked them as they didn't expect it. After that Ash explains he can use Aura and they also meet his Pokemon [except legendaries] And Nate and Aria were shocked to learn about Ultra Beasts. They also meet Selene who returned from Mount Silver after training when she got a message from Ash. Ash made a training periods for Aria and Nate which were not easy but they accepted and they trained for a week. After a week Ash gathered all of them in a room]

ASH: Alright guys tomorrow we are going to Alola to register you as the Elite Four in the hall of fame and you will also meet your last member over their so you all rest for today and tomorrow we will leave for Alola alright guys!

[They nod and leave to get rest as Ash goes towards Queen Ilene and says]

ASH: Is everything ready because I will return tomorrow and address them and we will finally start our work from tomorrow...?

Q.ILENE: They all are ready Ash and we have also prepared many devices which will help them and they really worked hard in their combat skills and caught themselves a full team of pokemon and they train hard...

ASH: Its good because once we start our missions I will not accept any mistakes....

Q.ILENE: Everything will be ready you make your trip to Alola first!

ASH: Alright!

[With that Ash leaves and goes to his room where he sees Pikachu who was a little annoyed]

ASH: What happened buddy?

PIKACHU: I think I got cramps being in your bag... its difficult to stay in the bag...

ASH: I know but I can't risk you being out with me Pikachu we have very far and no mistakes can be made... 

PIKACHU: You know what I was thinking and  accept that I will stay in those pokeballs!

[Ash was shocked]

ASH: What!!

PIKACHU: Yup beside those pokeballs look great can I have one I will stay in it!

ASH: Well I did make a special one for you check it out... [Ash breaks Pikachu's Pokeball and brings out a different looking pokeball and taps Pikachu with it as he was sucked inside and it dings]

 [Ash breaks Pikachu's Pokeball and brings out a different looking pokeball and taps Pikachu with it as he was sucked inside and it dings]

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[The pokeball looks like the picture]

[Ash releases Pikachu who had a shocked look on his face]

ASH: So how was it buddy?

PIKACHU: It was great!! I could feel myself relaxed! I can stay in that Pokeball! 

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now