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Hi Guys this is chapter 96 and I hope you like it and this will be a long chapter so enjoy-

[Ash swiftly carries Brock on his back as he, Max and Dawn rush back inside as Ash throws Aura spheres at grunts and shadow pokemon who tries to attack them as Pikachu thunderbolts the others]

MAX: Did Brock seriously figure out who you are..?

ASH: I don't think so.. he mistakenly saw my eyes but lets not worry about it. [They soon approach a room where Ash laid Brock down on the nearby sofa as he looks at Max and Dawn] Alright you both stay here and contact others to come here as well while I deal with them..

MAX: Let me come as well I can help!

DAWN: Me too!

ASH: No guys.. the others will panic seeing you both suddenly disappear so its better you both stay here while I go and deal with them! [They both nod reluctantly as Ash goes outside and summons his spear and throws it slamming it on their chest as he kills three of the grunts in one move] 

[Ash then leaps into the battlefield where he sees a massive crater formed by Zygarde's signature move filled with many shadow pokemon, grunts, G-Men, few of his own team members and officers of international police lying dead. He then looks at Zygarde who was still defending himself and attacking many shadow pokemon]

With Paul-

[We see Paul running after Aliana as she already had all her pokemon knocked out by the kanto elites leaving her with only her Manectric]

PAUL: Its better you surrender yourself Aliana! Bastiodon use Rock slide!!

[Bastiodon uses rock slide as huge boulders drop in front of her stopping Aliana in her tracks as she glares back at Paul]

ALIANA: Never! Shadow Manectric use fire fang!

PAUL: Knock it back with flash canon!

[Shadow Manectric was thrown back by flash canon when he leaped at Bastiodon with fire fang as he got back up glaring at Bastiodon]

ALIANA: Now Manectric use- [Was cut off by another voice as Chloe and and Brendan jumped down with their delta Gardevoir and Bisharp]

CHLOE: Use Moonblast!

BRENDAN: Bisharp use Night slash!

[Both pokemon leaped at Manectric with their moves knocking out the shadow pokemon as Aliana was cornered as she was frustated]

BRENDAN: Now the hard way or the easy way? [Smirks at her]

CHLOE: Now tell us why have you attacked the stadium!?

ALIANA: Never!! 

PAUL: Then take this! Bastiodon flash canon! [Bastiodon was about to fire flash canon but suddenly a huge beam of laser hit the pokemon throwing it back as Paul was shocked] Bastiodon! [Runs to his pokemon to see it still alright as he sighs in relief but glares when he heard a malicious laughter as he looks at the source to find a chopper hovering over them with a certain scientist laughing holding a huge blaster canon]

CHLOE: Xerosic!! 

CHLOE: Xerosic!! 

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