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Hi Guys this is chapter 55 and I hope you like it and it will be a long chapter and finally a shipping after many chapter of actions and its my favorite shipping-

GOODSHOW: Well the pairs will be disclosed soon and the location of the tournament round 5-6 in Unova region will be the the Vertress Conference stadium so I wish you safe journey!

With Champions-

DIANTHA: Alright guys I will take your leave now since I have to check the base being built in Lumiose and Anistar by the Marcos Cosmos company..

LANCE: Alright!

STEVEN: So who is going with whom?

LANCE: I will go with Leon first as we don't want him to get to the reverse world due to his directions while we will make a stop in the galar region first by ferry and then we can change on the way Steven?

LEON: HEY!! My direction mapping is correct!! [Everyone look at him with a incredulous look] HEY!!

CYNTHIA: We all know about your direction sense Leon remember the time when we had to reach Kalos for a meeting and you had reached KANTO!!

LEON: Hey! Its not my fault they start with the same name and I bought the ticket for kanto!!

SYEVEN: Alright calm down now as all the ships and planes will make a stop in galar we can change till then I can accompany Cynthia what say?


ALDER: Then I am with Diantha alright!

With Ash's friends-

BROCK: Alright we should rest up as our ferry will leave tonight and it will make a stop in the galar region on the way to Unova so pack your stuff!


With Ash-

ASH: Hilda and Brendan why don't you bring our new friends with us as they are now a part of our team so its best we travel together!

BRENDAN: Really it will be fun then!

[That is when Gladion's bracer rings as he excuses himself and Ash says]

ASH: So you both get them to the hotel we will leave by midnight and we have to make a stop in galar in Spikemuth city as well so get ready I have already chosen a rendezvous point their and then we will continue to Vertress Conference!

[Brendan and Hilda nod]

ASH: Alright I will go and talk with Professor Oak now... [Wears his cloak]

CHLOE: Why are you wearing a cloak everyone have seen you handsome face?

ASH: Handsome huh... [smirks]

CHLOE: [Blushes] Don't get cocky!!

ASH: [Chuckles] Just like wearing it!

PAUL: Addiction is more of a correct word instead of like Aaron... [smirks]

[With that Ash leaves ignoring Paul as he walks through the corridor to the professor's suite wearing his cloak as reaches the suite and goes inside to see many professor as they turn to look at him and were shocked]

PROF-ELM: Champion Aaron! Its good to finally meet you! what brought you here?

ASH: Its good to meet you too prof-Elm and I really like your research on pokemon eggs though I have some important matters to discuss with professor Oak so Professor can we speak in private?

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