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Hi Guys your brother is back after leaving a dead life for two months haha and this is chapter 103 and I hope you like it so enjoy and don't forget to vote if you like it-

[After battling with the teams which marked the end of team Galactic with its leader Cyrus being dead, Ash had managed to claim Dialga while Yellow managed to claim Palkia. With the Space-Time duo captured, Team Renegade escaped from the spot while Ash's team were helping the members who were injured]

GARY: [Stretches his back] Finally all the main regional teams are dead and now moreover they have no chance of surviving.. [Says with a joy]

PAUL: Hmm.. [Then looks at the surviving members of team Galactic] So what about them..

GARY: Ash can deal with them.. [Both of them approach Ash as the others who were battling Shadow had also arrived on the spot and were happy to know that Team Galactic had been completely wiped off]

[While Ash was staring at the sky with a solemn expression as he was thinking about the last words he heard from the leader of Team Renegade Yellow when Paul's voice brought him out of his trance]

PAUL: Hey Ash! 

ASH: Huh? [Looks at Paul] What?

PAUL: You alright champ?

ASH: Yeah.. alright team pack up and retreat. Our work is done.. [looks at the Galactic members] The ones who are willing to join us can accompany us and the rest, finish them off. Its better to finish our enemies from there roots so they don't grow again.. [Says in a stern voice]

[The elites nod as they all surround Team Galactic and few moments later the ones who were loyal to Cyrus were killed and who pretended to surrender were also killed, leaving those survivors who were willing to join Team Celestial after seeing Saturn and Mars, the former galactic admins as the admins of Team Celestial besides there were already criminal in worlds eyes so they can't have a better choice than to suffer themselves in Jail for a crime they were forced into..]

ASH: Admin Saturn and Mars now that Team Galactic is finished its time we finish off the remaining bases of team Galactic across the regions.. I will handle this task to you two. I want any remaining bases of Team Galactic completely wiped off from the regions and after that close the Celestial activities in Sinnoh temporarily...  

[Both the admins nod]

ASH: Alright. Now that the mission is over, its time we return and besides I can already sense several aura signatures of rangers and officers at the base of the mountain so we all should quickly leave this place.. [The Celestial airships appear in the sky] TEAM CELESTIAL RETREAT!!

[With that everyone quick aboard the airships, Ash and his elites were the last to enter when Ash raises his hand and the canons present on the airships fired a strong beam of energy towards the barrier cutting it]

ASH: Quick move now! [Ash yells as the airships began to move and shot out towards the horizon where the Celestial Marine ships were present]

HILDA: What about the barrier? [Looks at the barrier behind them]

ASH: Once we cover a distance, I will signal them to break off the barrier... 

[With that everyone raised there speed and were soon out of the borders of Mt Coronent travelling in the skies of Jubilife City where people were again filled with fear seeing those many airships fly over them]

[Ash then raises his hand and a sphere of aura energy formed which he throws towards the sky as it erupts in seven colors]

At the Border of the Sinnoh Oceans-

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now