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Hi Guys this is chapter 76 and I hope you like it so enjoy-

In Battlefield-

[We see Gary and Trip battle Brendan and Bruno where they manage to knock out Bruno's last pokemon Steelix when Trip striked it with his Serperior's Frenzy plants and Blastoise's Dragon pulse]

BRENDAN: Mega Swampert use Hammer Arm!!

[Swampert leaps at Serperior who was tired after using Frenzy plants and was unable to defend as he was slammed by the hammer arm into the wall knocked out leaving the match between Gary and Brendan]

TRIP: [Returns Serperior and turns to Gary] Now everything's on you Oak Junior!

[Gary had a tick mark on his head but concentrates on the battle as he looks at his opponent and says with a smile]

GARY: May the best trainer wins! Mega Blastoise use Dragon pulse!!

BRENDAN: Yeah! Now Swampert counter it with Hydro pump!!

[Blastoise releases draconic energy from its canons which collides with the torrent of water from Mega Swampert but Swampert had sustained max damage from Serperior as his Hydro pump was pushed back and the dragon pulse slams into him knocked it backwards]

GARY: Now use heavy slam fast!!

[Blastoise leaps up and throws itself at Swampert who was unable to dodge as their was a huge thud and after few moments Blastoise gets up panting heavily and looks at the knocked out Mega Swampert who reverts back]

REFEREE: Swampert is unable to battle with Brendan and Bruno left with no pokemon the winning tag team duo are Gary and Trip who will move to round 10!!

[The crowd cheers as Gary sighs tiredly and hugs Blastoise who reverts back and falls and Gary returns him and shakes hands with Brendan]

BRENDAN: It was a great battle and I really liked it! 

GARY: Yeah! I had this fun after ages! And I am glad I still have the battling spirit despite being a professor!

[Trip and Bruno also shakes hands with each other and they return to their rooms after a amazing battle]

With Ash-

[When Ash falls to his knees Max holds him but he also had tears in his eyes as he was holding the one who was close to his heart and whom was thought to be dead as Ash concentrates and his spear disappear into aura particles which goes inside his chest]

MAX: Ash.. you are really alive...

ASH: [Sadly smiles] Well we have got pass that now... [Tries and gets up but was still feeling weak as Max supports him]

MAX: Ash... Aaron... What is happening I am confused...

ASH: [Sighs] I will tell you everything Max but first lets leave from here... [Looks at his surroundings to see all the trees and ground burned and covered in black soot from the explosion] I don't want to be the center of attraction for this... I already have enough...

MAX: All right lets go! [Tries to move but Ash stops him]

ASH: Wait.. I know a shortcut!

[Max was confused when Ash suddenly raises his right hand forward and his Necrozma symbol glows and a ultrawormhole opens up and Max was shocked]

MAX: W-What.. is that... [Shocked]

ASH: A shortcut lets go inside and trust me on this!

[Max without a hesitation goes inside with Ash as they enter the ultrawormhole which closes afterwards as they failed to see the 3 cloaked figures watching them from the far woods though one was supported by the other two as he was panting and had many deep bruises]

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now