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Hi Guys this is chapter 98 and I hope you like it so enjoy and a little waring this chapter contains a little mature content alright though no lemon for now and yeah this will be a super long chapter-

[We see Ash and Group already in their separate rooms heading towards Alola for the PWC as everyone were resting for the day while Ash was staring at the night sky sitting beside the window and petting Pikachu]

ASH: How much has happened since the championships have started right buddy.. 


ASH: We defeated almost all the teams and I finally got my revenge on Giovanni..

PIKACHU: And not to forget how close we are to reaching our dream..

ASH: Hmm... but the fight isn't over yet.. [Then their was a knock on the door] Come in!

[The door opened to reveal Ash's Butler as he bows and says]

BUTLER: Their is a package for you from Gary Master Aaron! 

[Ash confused takes the package as the Butler bows and leaves as Pikachu was confused]

ASH: Wonder what could Gary have sent me..? [Ash tears open the package to reveal a Book with a note which said]

Hey Ash-

         I have sent you this book so that you can have a better understanding what is going on around you and the girls lately which I am still not getting the hang of it. This will really help you break your denseness besides my Dad too had given your father the same type of book when the latter was like you. You better read it!

-Gary Oak.

P.S- And yeah this book is the reason you were brought on this world so you better read it carefully alright!

ASH: [Confused] Huh.. wonder what is this all about and what does he mean this book brought me to this planet... [Looks at the book and read the title] Love in Pidgeys and Beedrills.. Its a strange title right buddy... [Pikachu was confused as well] Well if my Dad had read it so I would to besides Gary did say it could help me understand Girls..

[Ash read the book]

Halfway Through the Night After Ah read half the book-

ASH: Wait so all this time they were in love with me!! [Exclaims shocked as Pikachu was thanking all the stars that Gary had sent Ash the book and now his denseness was breaking]

PIKACHU: Yeah now you finally know what is the difference between love and friendship finally..

ASH: Wait so that means that when Serena kissed me in kalos because it was not a tradition but..

PIKACHU: Yeah cause she had loved you...

ASH: And when Chloe and Dawn kissed me and Selene said that I am her chosen after kissing me..

PIKACHU: Because they love you. [Nods]

ASH: So this means all the others are in love with me.


ASH: And their face gets red not due to fever but due to blushing.. [Pikachu nods] 

PIKACHU: Finally Master Oblivious realized it~! Atleast my bro will not die as a virgin... 

ASH: What's that?

PIKACHU: Just read the page with Pidgeys and Beedrills. 

[Ash turned to the page and after reading few pages his face was as red as a tomato]

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now