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Hi Guys lets start with the Chapter 13-

ASH: [Pats on snivy's head] Snivy you were great to! Your attract helped us alot and next time we will be more stronger and together!!

[Snivy looks at Ash and roars as she too gets enveloped in white light and evolves which Ash watches with wide eyes as the light dies down to reveal a evolved version of snivy]

[Snivy looks at Ash and roars as she too gets enveloped in white light and evolves which Ash watches with wide eyes as the light dies down to reveal a evolved version of snivy]

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ASH: [Says in a happy voice] Congrats snivy you evolved into Servine!!

[Rotomdex scans and says]

ROTOMDEX: Servine the 'Grass Snake Pokemon'. Grass type. It moves along the ground as if sliding. Its swift movements befuddle its foes, and it then attack with its Vine whip.

ASH: Wow... Two evolution on one day... Alright guys rest a bit now [With that he returns everyone to their pokeballs and looks back at Tyranitar to see it bruised badly as he goes towards it and uses potion on him]

ASH: Are you alright now [Tyranitar doesn't respond as he stares at him as Ash becomes nervous as looks at him] Is something wrong.. [Suddenly Tyranitar hugs Ash as he gets surprised by the hug]

ASH: Uhhh... do you know me...? [To which tyranitar gives a happy roar as Ash gets confused while Pikachu goes towards Tyranitar and sniffs him as gets wide eyed and climbs on Tyranitar and nuzzles him]

ASH: Huh! Pikachu do you know him...?

PIKACHU: [Looks at Ash and says] Pikachu pikapi pika!!

ASH: Huh I know him but- [Eyes widen in realization and looks at Tyranitar] Wait Larvitar... [Tyranitar nods]

ASH: Larvitar you evolved!! How are you my friend!! [Tyranitar gives a loud cry to show him being good]

ASH: Its been so long since I saw you! How is your mother doing? [Ash says but Tyranitar gets a sad expression which Ash notices] What happened..?

[Which tyranitar says and rotom and Pikachu gets sad and rotom turns to Ash and says]

ROTOMDEX: Tyranitar says his mother died few years ago in a battle when team rocket had attacked them on the base of the mountain..

ASH: [Gets a shocked expression but replaces with anger] Team Rocket... [clenches his fist in anger and remembers his own mom and hugs Tyranitar] I know how you feel... My mom was killed as well by Team Rocket few days back and I couldn't save her... [Now tyranitar gets shocked and hugs back with few tears]

[After they separate after a minute Ash thinks of something and ask]

ASH: Tyranitar wanna join me.... [Tyranitar looks at Ash with a surprised expression] You can stay with my pokemon we treat each other as families and together we will get stronger too and take our revenge from Team Rocket what say...

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now