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Hi Guys this is Chapter 80 and I hope you like it so enjoy!

Next Day [Morning time]-

[After saving his butt from Dawn due to the whole strip Gun ordeal we see Ash in his room reading the Aura book and finding more about the Dark Aura users and he did find more about it when his elites and trainers entered the room]

PAUL: So this guys Drew really had it huh?

ASH: Yup! Messed with my friend May and he was using her so I thought him a good lesson but I didn't the gun could do more then it can... 

BRENDAN: Man Champion what you did was so hilarious I can't even stop laughing! [Haha]

ASH: So have you took care of the grunts in the petalburg forest Nate?

NATE: Yup they will never see the light again I assure you! Though its surprising they had a hideout in the forest.. The rockets sure know how to work in shadows...

ASH: [Sighs] Yeah and I am more concerned about the people they captured.. I wonder if the have more base like that with innocents captured... We have to increase our activities in the regions...

HILBERT: Well so what's the plan?

ASH: I will think about it but for now lets make the dark aura users our priority... Today we have have our matches for round 10 so we clear that first then we will have more time of travelling to next region so we will use that time and find about them!

CHLOE: But where can we find more about them?

ASH: I have read about them in the book and according to this their are two places which has a deep history of the dark aura users... Rota and the Shamouti Islands... After having my match I will head to Rota with Selene and Hilda accompanying me  and find out about the dark users after that we all will head to shamouti alright?

[Everyone nods]

ASH: Alright now lets head to the stadium we have a battle to finish..

[With that they all head to the stadium]

In Ever Grenade Stadium-

[Ash and others reach the stadium and take their seats in their suites as Goodshow appears to announce the battle for the next round]

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[Ash and others reach the stadium and take their seats in their suites as Goodshow appears to announce the battle for the next round]

GOODSHOW: Now after watching the amazing battles of round 9 we all head to round 10 and this time we have made a change! We have decided to swap your partners again! [The whole stadium buzzed in excitement] 

In Stands-

MAX: Aww I wanted to battle with Champion Aaron again... [Frowns]

BROCK: Now Max don't forget you can't be tag partners for long time.. the tournament is halfway done and trainers are decreased so I will not be surprised you are matched against Champion Aaron now so you have to be careful...

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now