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Hi Guys this Chapter 35 and I hope you guys like it-

[The Tag team Contest tournament was beginning to start as we can Ash looking at the tournament screen as the host Marian gives the final call as the stadium was filled with fans. Though Contests was not much popular as the leagues it still had its own popularity]

 Though Contests was not much popular as the leagues it still had its own popularity]

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[The stadium is like this and I am sorry its a little blur]

MARIAN: I welcome all the people who came here to watch this great event and wish all those coordinators good luck as they will perform here to show their talents as coordinators to the world. Now we first of all Welcome the judges for the contest please welcome the president of the contest circuit Mr Contesta! 

MR.CONTESTA: I hope we see great skills and talents of the coordinators as a tag team and most of all their team work! So I wish all those coordinators good luck for their upcoming performance! [He takes his seat as the judge] 

MARIAN: Next please welcome Mr Sukizo president of the pokemon fanclub! 

MR. SUKIZO: I hope to see the great bond between the coordinators and pokemon at this fabulous event! [He takes his seat] 

MARIAN: Now please welcome a well known coordinator Mrs Fantina! [The crowd cheers for her]

FANTINA: I am excited to see the fabulous event at this tag team contest which is the most important event in the contest history! [She takes her seat]

MARIAN: Now please welcome Nurse Joy of lake valor!

NURSE JOY: I hope to see the bond and all the healthy pokemon perform in this contest! [Takes her seat]

MARIAN: Now after the introduction I will explain the rules! We will have the first round as the performance round and 64 tag teams will be selected for the battle rounds! [She explains more rules while we look in the coordinator room where all the coordinators dressed are looking at the screen as Ash was outside waiting for to arrive while looking at the screen]

With Dawn in dressing room-

DAWN: Aw! I always have difficulty with my hair...

????: Need a help?

[Dawn looks at the voice and finds a familiar face as she smiles and says]


ZOEY: Hey Dawn! Finally decided to perform again huh!

DAWN: [Smiles sadly] Yeah he would want me to chase my dreams instead of moping...

ZOEY: Now don't get that face today is a big day all the best coordinators have gathered here and we should give it our all what say! Are you ready to show the world our skills!

DAWN: Yup! But my hair...

ZOEY: Let me do it! [She ready her hair] Now lets go all are waiting for you Dawn! Though I had to ask who is your partner?

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