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Hi Guys this is chapter 75 and I hope you like it and this will be a long chapter so enjoy!

[Note- I am already informing before the chapter begin that from now on the fiction is taking a major turn-point from this chapter]

[After a raging battle which was won by Ash and Max we see Ash strolling through the forest  to get some fresh air as he looks at the sky and sits on a nearby rock and lets out his partner Pikachu and he was also wearing his cloak]

With Ash's Friends-

[After a great battle with Aaron and the whole Mew ordeal was done Max exited the stadium towards his friends only to be swarmed by the reporters as he manage to pull out with the help of the group and they continued towards the pokecenter where Max gave his pokemon to nurse Joy and asked about Aaron]

MAX: Hey Nurse Joy had Champion Aaron visited the center to heal his pokemon?

NURSE-JOY: No Max he didn't!

MAX: Oh... alright thanks! [With that he heads back towards the group as he had a frown but covered it with a smile when he saw the group]

BONNIE: Hey Max that was great battle out their!

SERENA: Yeah you totally out done yourself today!

DAWN: Yeah and your pokemon also held its stand against Brandon's Regi trio!

MAX: Yeah I had fun as well and mostly battling beside Champion Aaron! 

[May then walks towards Max and puts a arm around his shoulder and asks]

MAY: Alright Mister now tell me what's the matter?

MAX: What do you mean? [Acts oblivious]

MAY: [Smiles] I know when you feel sad or confused little brother now tell what's the matter?

MAX: [Sighs and says with a frown] I just wanted to meet champion Aaron... he left too soon and I had many questions to ask about...

IRIS: About Mew right! I have many of those questions going inside my head as well!

MAX: Yeah Mew too but mainly I want to ask him few questions on trainer thing that's all... 

DREW: Well why don't you share it with us.. we have coordinators, gym leaders and researchers in our group to answer your question Max and we can tell you! [Says with a smile]

MAX: Yeah and you all are really helpful and all but... I just want to ask it to him... [Thinks] Beside what can you tell me you rose bush other than praising yourself and jealous of my sister's coordinating skills!!

[Before anyone could say more Brock says]

BROCK: We understand Max. Now why don't you cheer up I am sure you will meet the champion again you both are still partners till further announcement for round 10 so don't loose hope and have fun!

MAX: Yeah you are right and I think I need some fresh air so I will go for now..

MAY: Alright Max but return before evening and don't forget we have to visit our parents in petalburg now that we are in Hoenn!

MAX: Alright! [Leaves as May watches him leave]

DAWN: [Keeps a hand on May's shoulder] Don't worry he will be fine I am sure! He is a great trainer!

MAY: Yeah but still I can't help but worry about him...

With Max-

[Max keeps on going on the streets looking at the clear sky as he meets various people who were asking about the battle as he grew agitated and runs towards the forest frustated and goes deep into the woods when a explosion was heard]

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now