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Hi Guys this is chapter 65 and I hope you like it and it will be a long chapter so enjoy 

[As they look at the sky they were shocked and with wide eyes as they see the legendary Rayquaza in its Mega form descending towards the battleground with Aaron [wearing his cloak] on top of it]


PAUL: Aaron we only have got few minutes before your match we have to make it fast...

NATE: But the plane is at its top speed.. Unova is just too far from kanto...

SELENE: Well we are almost their but we can't make it like this..

ASH: Well I have a solution.. 

GARY: What?

[Ash grins and pulls out Rayquaza's pokeball as he opens the hatch and releases rayquaza who roars and soars alongside the plane]

ASH: Hey Rayquaza lets do it!!

[Ash's Aura flare up and he and Rayquaza glow blue as Rayquaza starts to change and transforms into Mega Rayquaza and they both are synchronized as Ash jumps landing on Rayquaza's back]

ASH: [Turns to his elites] You guys arrive their I will meet you soon! Towards Vertress City Rayquaza!!

[Rayquaza roars as they fly in a blur breaking the sound barrier as Paul looks at others]

PAUL: Lets bet how much people will be shocked by his badass entry? I say everyone!

GARY: You are on! 

Flashback Over.

In Arena-

[Rayquaza gets close to the ground as Ash jumps of and pats Rayquaza on her head as she purrs in delight and Ash then returns her back and moves towards Cynthia who was shocked in a trance]

ASH: [Sighs and looks at referee] So care to continue?

[Referee shakes his head and motions to start the match still shocked as the people also come out of their shock and Cynthia asks]

CYNTHIA: Your Rayquaza can mega evolve?!

ASH: Yup! so ready partner because I am playing it rough today.. [Grins]

REFEREE: Round 6 of PWC will begin and you are allowed with 3 on 3 pokemon so please choose your first pokemon!

ALDER/NORMAN: Lets win it Volcarona!/Lets fight Vigoroth!!

CYNTHIA/ASH: Lucario battle stance!!/Floatzel lets do it!!

[The four pokemon appear and glare at one another as the referee signals for the battle to begin]

ALDER: Volcarona use Heat wave on Floatzel!

NORMAN: Vigoroth Brick break on Lucario!!

CYNTHIA: Lucario use double team!!

ASH: Floatzel spin and use water gun!!

[Vigoroth runs towards Lucario who in return multiples into several copies as Vigoroth misses each but a wave heat wins strike them but Floatzel was protected by the counter shield barrier created by the water which deflected the attack]

ASH: Aqua Jet!!

NORMAN: Vigoroth use Focus blast!!

ASH: Smash through it!

ALDER: Volcarona stop it using bug buzz!!

CYNTHIA: Counter the bug buzz with metal sound!!!

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now