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Hi Guys this is chapter 59 and I hope you like it and this will be long chapter so enjoy-

[After the battle Ash arrives in the champion suite followed by Cynthia as all the champions ask Ash about how his pikachu knows fusion bolt and about Ultra beasts while several rounds have already taken place]

ASH: Well how my Pikachu knows fusion bolt is private but I can tell about the UBs... they are [Explains about UBs] and don't worry we keep them contained in Alola so any attack of them will not be seen in other regions unless a poacher or a organization get their hands on it.... which they did...[says the last part in a whisper]

CYNTHIA: Wow so your Naganadel is a creature from other dimension...

ASH: Yeah but because they have the same thing as pokemon then we consider them pokemon and Naganadel is dual Dragon/Poison type!

LANCE: Wow so that ultra beast is a dragon cool!

ASH: Hmm...

STEVEN: Is their a steel type ultra beast? [Interested]

ASH: Yeah... Celesteela is a steel type here is the image... [Uses his bracer to project the image]

 [Uses his bracer to project the image]

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[They were quite shocked by its size]

STEVEN: Wow its so big... So its a steel type huh... [Interested]

ASH: Yup! [Then Ash gets a call from a Alolan Celestial base] Sorry I have to pick it up!

On Call-

ASH: Conor? 

CONOR: Champion Aaron we have a big problem over here in Alola... Poni Island is under attack!!


[The champions were shocked by the outburst]

ASH: How? [Tensed]

CONOR: Many wormholes have started to open near the altar of the sunne and the Ultra Aura is spreading throughout... we have managed to stop it but if it spreads then the wormholes will open all over the Alola... We have sealed the Vast Poni Canyon for now be are not able to hold them off they are really angry and are attacking everyone who comes their way...

ASH: A rampage... [Horrified] 

CONOR: We are trying our best but we need your assistance as a Guzzlord is also present among them...

ASH: Don't worry I am on my way!! Try to hold them off and being more reinforcements if needed!!

CONOR: Alright!! [Cuts the call]

End Of the call-

ASH: [Sighs frustated which the champions notice as Cynthia asks] 

CYNTHIA: Uhmm everything alright Champion Aaron.. you look frustated..

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now