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Hi Guys this is chapter 32 and I hope you like it-

[Ash and his Kanto Elites- Paul, Brendan, Chloe and Hilda are sitting at the table in the Jet as they fly towards the Indigo Plateau while Ash discuss some important matters and explains his past to Hilda as she felt hatred towards team rocket and sympathy towards Ash. Hilda was also surprised to know him being Prince. All of them also decided to join his organization as Ash says]

ASH: Alright first thing first always call me by Aaron Satoshi. Ash Ketchum was my past and its better it remains in past. Other thing is that we are heading to Indigo plateau to get you all registered as My elites and you all will wear cloaks when a challenger arrives alright! 


ASH: Because its better we don't reveal ourselves till things have settled clearly...

HILDA: Its alright beside we don't wanna deal with fans following us... Its beneficial this way...

TLYER: Prince Aaron we have arrived at the Indigo league Plateau!

ASH: Alright stay here we will return soon then take us to Rota!

TYLER: Alright Prince!

ASH: [Turns to his Elites] Alright guys hold each other's hand!

[They hold each other's hands as Ash glows and they all disappear in a blue light and appear in the Kanto Hall Of Fame as the other awe at its beauty and they see all those pictures]

PAUL: So I guess these were the trainers who won the league and the title of Kanto Champion in the past right?

ASH: Yeah! [Turns to rotom] Hey rotom can you register them as the Elite four!

ROTOM: Yup just connect the wire with the panel! 

[Ash connects rotom with the panel and the screen lits up as rotom makes few adjustments and tells Ash to register them]

ASH: Alright guys keep your right hand on the panel!

[They keep their hand as the screen lits up and their face and names appear on the screen and they get registered as the Kanto's Elite four. Ash arranges and the name appear in a sequence and Ash says]

ASH: Alright Chloe you will be the first, Brendan you will be second, Hilda you will be third and Paul you will the fourth and the strongest anyone have any problem....?

[No one says anything so Ash selects and they are now registered and Ash hands them new pokedex bracers as the data of their pokedex has been downloaded and as they look at their profile they see Kanto Elite four member written on it as they smile and retracts their hand]

ROTOM: Alright Ash they are officially registered!

ASH: Thanks rotom and make sure the information cannot be accessed by anyone other than me and the Elites!

ROTOM: Alright its done!

ASH: [Disconnects rotom] Alright guys you have been officially registered now lets leave and rotom send a message to Agatha that the Elite Four have been chosen!

ROTOM: Alright!

[With that they again hold each other's hand and disappear in a blue light and appear back in the Jet as Ash orders Tyler to take them back to Rota which he does as Ash turns to them]

ASH: Alright guys once we reach Rota you all rest up because your training begins from tomorrow and it will not be easy!

PAUL: I am ready for anything!

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now