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Hi Guys this is chapter 42 and I hope you like it-

[When Ash heard the voice he turned around to look to see no one as he says]

ASH: Who are you?

[After a moment a voice was again heard]

????: We know each other very well chosen one and we have met before and I am calling you now because we were destined to meet and be together...

ASH: What...? but where are you?

????: You have the greatest Aura my prince and you can locate me very well and you know how to do it...

[Ash was confused but he relies on his instincts and closes his eyes concentrating on his Aura as he tries to locate a source as he extends his Aura to far range and after a minute he feels a pull in his Aura as he opens his eyes and turn to rotom]

ASH: Rotom send a message to my elites that I will be back and take care of the situation in my absence and rotom keep a track on my location alright!

ROTOM: Alright!

[Ash picks a pokeball and sends out a familiar pokemon from Alola who hugs Ash licking his face]

ASH: [Chuckles] Hey Solgaleo I know you missed me but we have a work to do so lets do it first...?

SOLGALEO: Alright daddy!

ASH: Now Solgaleo can you take me towards the North-east and I will point out the direction so follow it alright!

[Solgaleo nods as Ash climbs on it and releases his Pikachu as they take off towards the sky going towards the said direction]

ASH: Stay alert buddy I have felt a powerful pull for my Aura so stay ready we might have a tough battle...

PIKACHU: Alright bro!

[With that they keep on heading where Ash feels a pull in his Aura and after flying for a hour Ash finally feel the source as he looks ahead to see a high mountain ahead of him]

[With that they keep on heading where Ash feels a pull in his Aura and after flying for a hour Ash finally feel the source as he looks ahead to see a high mountain ahead of him]

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[The Mountains are like that in the above picture]

ASH: Rotom can you tell me our location and about that mountain ahead of us?

ROTOM: We are currently in the Northern side of the region and this place is full of Mountain valleys with high mountains and its a secluded spot though... The mountain ahead is known as the skyscraper Mountain and its one of the highest mountain in the Astral and the third highest in the world after Mount Silver and Coronent....

ASH: Well [Grins] Looks like we have found the Mount Silver of Astral region and our new training spot...

PIKACHU: [Sweatdrops] Seriously what is your addiction towards these cold mountains nowadays we came from kanto to far Astral and you found a another mount silver here!!

ASH KETCHUM: THE AURA CHAMPIONWhere stories live. Discover now