1. Damn the potion

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The 18 year old Wei ying doesn't have a single day where he missed to curse the potion of no past memories. If he had taken it, he wouldn't be suffering from anxiety to find his Lan zhan. Though he said so to himself often, deep inside he knew it's a boon to cherish the memories and look forward to the big day. 

He didn't believe his poor luck until he jumped to the next life where he was made to be born into a child with no family and no wealth. 

"Can't I have my parents at least once?" 

This was his first concern when he was 3 years old, when he gained his memories. 

Thankfully when he turned 5, a gentleman adopted him and provided him with amenities to live comfortably and helped him study. Wei ying refers to him as Uncle though he doesn't know any details about the person who is helping him. Wei ying stayed in a hostel and on his 18th birthday he was made to sign a non-disclosure contract to work as a lifetime secretary for the Jiang corp. 

Even in the legal document the name of the said uncle was not mentioned, it was just a contract between party A and party B. Wei ying presumed that it must be his uncle Jiang Fengmian. Every month he would be receiving a certain amount in his bank account and a butler from the said family would visit him from time to time, to listen to his concerns. 

He had very few friends while growing up, as he was made to move from city to city except Beijing, every two years. Only one friend named, Gu Hai, lasted throughout the years and still remains as his best buddy.

Until age 12, he was not allowed to work part time, which made it impossible for him to look for his Lan zhan. And he cannot take it granted when someone is sponsoring him to study, so he had to go with their wishes. 

Past 5 years, he searched like crazy, travelling several hours to Beijing, once in every month, saving his hard earned money to wait outside the Lan villa and the companies they owned, taking turns. 

He had few chances where he saw Xichen from a far, but not even once he was able to see his Lan zhan. 

Knowing very well about his highly introverted husband, he didn't hope to find his Lan zhan in social media, but still he kept tabs there as well. 

Once he asked the butler why can't he move to Beijing this time, and he was given a reply saying he can, when he turns 18. 

As promised, a week back he received a call from the butler and asked to appear for the entrance exam in the Lan university, Beijing. 

Wei ying has never had problems with studying so he cleared the exam without a hitch. 

The butler himself took him shopping a day before, and stuffed him with the necessities. 

Wei ying was so excited for the next day that he couldn't close his eyelid throughout the night. 

On the first day of college, in the early morning, a car picked Wei ying and his luggages from his hotel room where he stayed for the last one week and took him to the university. 

The butler Uncle stood with a young man near the university hostel waiting for Wei ying. Wei ying had to suppress his instant instincts to kick the hell out of his dear brother Jiang cheng who had an 'not so interested' look. 

"Greetings Uncle. This is?" 

Wei ying hugged the elder and asked the obvious. 

"Young master Jiang cheng. Young master, this is Wei wuxian." 

"Oh" Jiang cheng looked unconcerned. 

"A'cheng, pleasure to meet you" Wei ying gave a hearty smile and was about to give a friendly hug to Jiang cheng, when Jiang cheng stopped Wei ying from moving closer to him. 

"It's Jiang cheng for you" 

"Pardon my rudeness, Mr.Jiang cheng"

Wei ying's smile remained, after all he had known this weirdo for years. 

The butler then told them that they have arranged a room to be shared for both and the two must get along well, as per their Sir's order. 

He also took Wei ying for a one to one talk, and told him that their young master cheng has a heart of a maiden but behaves wild on the outside, a typical tsundere, and they will not have problems getting along. 

Wei ying nodded with a smile. 

He felt warm for the first time in this life, to be able to be near one of his loved ones. Now that he had met Jiang cheng, it wouldn't be much time before he met his Lan zhan. 

After settling their stuff in their room, both made their way to their classroom. 

'Lan zhan, I am coming for you' Wei ying couldn't contain his joy. 

There were a few students in the classroom when they entered, and Jiang cheng ignored Wei ying, when he asked the other to take the next seat to him. Jiang cheng sat in the front row. 

It was 8:05 am and they had ten more minutes before the class started. Wei ying's heartbeat rose dramatically whenever a person entered the room. The classroom had 50 seats for students and the last one next to him was the only vacant seat as of now. 

Though it increased his anxiety by each passing second, the luck of having his Lan zhan next to him, thrilled him. 

Two minutes left. 

The door opened and Wei ying's face completely sunk from disappointment.

It was Nie huaisang. A corner of his heart was happy to see his best buddy from previous life, yet no one can fill the void his husband's place has made. 

Nie huaisang entered like a lost puppy looking back at the door several times, scared of his brother Nie mingjue, who stood outside the door. 

'On what basis did you decide that you would be studying in the same class as Lan zhan?' He felt lost. 

He should have expected this outcome when luck crossed out all the loved ones from his life this time, starting from his parents, Jiang family and now his Lan zhan.

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