21. Then, now and forever

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Hui shen was put behind bars and Lan yi who was enquired, was clueless about the stalker. She thanked Wei ying over and over for going through the trouble, and her affection for him grew even more. 

Jiang residence

Wei ying who was about to sit on the sofa with everyone else, got pulled by Lan zhan and made to sit on his husband's lap instead. 

It had been the same at the police station as well. Even in front of the police officers, Lan zhan didn't let Wei ying get off his lap. Whenever Wei ying smiles, Lan zhan would run his fingers through Wei ying's hair, like petting him. Though his fingers would sometimes get stuck in between, due to the poor hair grooming habits of the younger one, Lan zhan continued to do it. And Wei ying enjoyed being treated special. 

The Jiang couple knew well that the younger Lan would be willing to stay over, but they cannot allow it as they were not engaged. Moreover Elder Lan wouldn't agree. 

"Miss you" 

While bidding bye, Lan zhan had told Wei ying. Lan zhan held Wei ying's face in his palms and looked at it for a few minutes, caressing the red cheeks with his thumb, as if taking in the face for the missed days. They didn't kiss, nor did they hug, only each other's presence mattered. 

Lan zhan had also told Wei ying that he would always get inside the house to fetch him in person and would never text him like he did previously. 

"Uncle, I have something to discuss." 

Lan zhan brought up the topic that bugged him, after they reached the Lan villa. 

"About marriage?"  Qiren had expected this. 

"Whoa you are able to read me. To answer your question, yes, I wish to marry Wei ying sooner." 

"There is nothing to discuss. It will happen as previously discussed, at the end of this academic year." 

Lan zhan didn't expect this answer. He hoped that his uncle would understand him. 

"From our side, we will assign two bodyguards to Xian to protect him. It's time to retire to bed. Good night." 

Qiren didn't look at Lan zhan's face while saying this. He knew that he wouldn't be able to refuse his nephew's plea, if he saw his face. 

He was not against their wedding but he knew inside and out of his nephew's heart. If marriage was to happen soon, what his nephew would study with great care is Wei ying, and not the learning materials. Same goes for Wei ying. At least if he lets the two get used to this period, they would focus on studies and wouldn't mess up their future. 

The next day, per Lan zhan's request, the jiangs called Qiren regarding the same, but Qiren didn't change his mind. 

"Wangji, shouldn't you discuss this with Xian first?." Xichen gave his advice which Lan zhan felt was right. 

After resting a day at home, the couple met at university the next day. 

"I will think about it. Won't you invite me to your home Lan zhan? Maybe I'll give my answer there."

Wei ying didn't give a solid answer to Lan zhan's suggestion to get married early. Lan zhan had also told him about uncle's reaction. He was unsure about how his uncle would react, if he were to ask Wei ying again, in front of his uncle. But since Wei ying asked for it, Lan zhan spoke to his uncle and brother, and invited him for dinner the same evening. 

In the evening, during the car ride to Lan villa, as usual Lan zhan had placed Wei ying on his lap which Qiren felt was being over protective for no reason. 

"What if his head hits the seat when the brake is applied? Let him sit on the seat comfortably." Lan Qiren said in a polished way. 

"It's comfortable now uncle." Wei ying replied, hugging his husband like a koala. For the rest of the ride, Qiren didn't open his mouth. 

Lan villa

As Wei ying imagined, Lan villa was completely in white, looking simple yet classy. The only thing that stood out in the villa was the flower vase that was decorated with purple lotuses, in the living room. 

"Purple lotuses are Wangji's favorite. He maintains a pond in the garden to grow them." 

Xichen said, when he saw Wei ying's eyes staring at the vase. Wei ying clung to Lan zhan as soon as he heard this. He felt blissful that his husband still liked things related to their past life. 

During the bland dinner, none of them spoke and Wei ying literally threw the food directly to his throat, not letting it touch his tongue. He wouldn't risk his taste buds. 

"So what did you wanna ask me?" 

After dinner, Wei ying asked Lan zhan like he had no idea why he was invited. 

"What do you feel about getting married early?" 

"How early?" 

"In a week…. or two?" 

Qiren who was sitting with them, didn't look at them, but had his ears listen. 

"Aren't you crazy Lan zhan? Wei ying laughed. 


"_" Qiren didn't expect this from the kid. 

"Aren't you…in-interested?" Lan zhan's throat felt dry. 

"I don't think you can protect me well." 

"..." Xichen patted Lan zhan's shoulder. 

"Because of the last incident?" Lan zhan felt like he let his Wei ying down. 

"Not really. I don't think it will work out. Dating is fine for now, but..." 

At this answer, there was a long silence. 

"Why won't it work out?" 

It was Qiren who lost control. He cannot let anyone hurt his dear nephew.

"He hasn't even completed his studies uncle, how can he?" Wei ying didn't stop at that. 

"Even if he hasn't, he is the best." 

Qiren will not get tired of feeling proud of the jades. 

"Don't tell me he can protect me uncle." 

"If not him, who else can?" Qiren's eyebrows twisted. This kid has got some nerves, talking less of his nephew. 

"Isn't it crazy that he wants to marry in a week?" 

"What's wrong with that huh? As a youngman deeply in love, it's normal that he feels that way. Why can't you accept him?" 

"Uncle, you sure? Won't regret it later right??" Wei ying's mischievous smile made Qiren bite his tongue. Did he fall in a word trap? To a small kid??


Lan zhan smiled and a happy tear rolled down his cheeks. His stoned heart resumed beating. 

"You are my husband, then, now and forever. You don't need my answer or permission to do anything for us. But still since you asked, yes, I am willing to marry you. It would be a yes for whatever you ask me. I Love you." 

Lan zhan felt euphoric while Xichen felt content that his brother had indeed found someone perfect for him. Qiren on the other hand, for once didn't feel bad that he was tricked. 

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