16. Come out

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After an exhausting day after classes, Wei ying was in the indoor stadium helping the organising committee for a sports event, as a part of his volunteering activity. Due to his family's request, he had to request a change of location from outside the campus duties. Even inside the campus, Lan zhan was not willing to leave him out of his sight, thus Lan zhan was sitting at the bleachers, doing some work on his laptop. Lan zhan made sure that he was not far from his love. 

Wei ying alarmed at the horror memories when someone closed his eyes from behind. He touched the fingers closing his lids, as a reflex to remove it, but realised they were soft, and deduced that it must be a girl. He knows his shijie very well, and aware of the sweet fragrance of her, this person is not her. 

He heard a soft smile, and he replied that he would guess the person, and if he guessed it right, that person should release him.

Lan zhan saw this scene, but didn't like what he saw. But he waited, not to be rude. 

"Chai fang?" 


"Chu hua?"


And the list didn't end even after 13 names. 

The person closing his eyes eventually lost interest, and released it without pushing him further. 

It was Lan yi. Her expression was not good. She didn't expect Wei ying to have a big circle of friends who are even allowed to touch him. Wei ying had a charm to attract everyone around him and no one missed the opportunity to befriend him. 

Other than her, one more person also drank vinegar watching the scene. 

"You sure know many girls." Lan yi had a long face. 

"I like making friends." Wei ying commented. 

"Yiyi, We are running late." It was one of Lan yi's friends who urged her to come. 

This time she was not in the same activity as Wei ying and had to leave. 

She bid a bye to Wei ying, giving him a hug and left with the guy who waited for her. 

Lan zhan was slightly glad that Wei ying drew his line as friends but didn't like her hugging his precious baby. If it was others he wouldn't mind, but not Lan yi. 

Lan zhan had no mood to continue his work. He waited till Wei ying completed his tasks and picked him up to go to Jiang residence along with his uncle and brother. 

Wei ying suggested that they should take his brother Jiang cheng with them. Hence when they were at the parking area, Wei ying gave a call to Jiang cheng, and Jiang cheng came with Huaisang. Huaisang just wanted to accompany cheng till the car. Once Jiang cheng saw Wei ying, Wei ying charged at a full speed and crushed Jiang cheng in a hug, like he usually does. Wei ying wanted to perform his brotherly duty of annoying his brother, by making him feel awkward showing affection openly. But this was the first time Lan zhan had seen this. 

'Did I think that I wouldn't mind if it was others? Well, that's wrong.' 

Adding cherry on the top, huaisang pounced on the brothers and the three laughed like they were having fun. 

'What's wrong with everyone?' 

Lan zhan thought that he should better mark his boundary.  

After everyone arrived at the residence, the parents spoke about the wedding and everyone decided that they could have it by the end of the year. 

Lan zhan felt that the waiting period was too long but he could wait considering the problems they had to solve. Last night, Wei ying had assured that he was ready to discuss his parents' death. And that was the main reason they brought him home. 

"Please help me claim my identity and the shares." Wei ying started. 

"I don't want the shares that caused my parents death, but I must take it from the wrong hands. He should be sent to where he belongs." 

Everyone saw Wei ying in a new light. The usual mischievous kid was so clear about what he wanted and he was confident. 

Qiren proposed that they should hire a secret investigator first, in order to collect necessary evidence against Cong Sanren and not to let the villain know about them yet. Then they would hire a lawyer and charge a case against him like a sudden attack. That sounded good and Jiangs agreed. 

Before they started from there, Yanli invited the Lans for her birthday party, which is at the end of the week. 

While they were returning, Wei ying received a text notification. 

"My mother wishes to see you." Lan yi had sent. 

Wei ying politely refused saying he is busy with personal stuff nowadays and would definitely visit in future sometime. 

He felt sad though, as he had come to know from Lan yi that her mother was bed-ridden for years suffering from a certain illness. 

The next two days Wei ying did not see Lan yi. He heard from a volunteer that she has been absent. 

In the meanwhile Jiangs had hired a secret investigator as planned. 

Friday, it was Yanli's birthday. Party was arranged to be held in the evening. Just before the last class for the day started, Wei ying received a call from a sniffling Lan yi, saying her mother's health got worse all of a sudden and that her father was away from home. 

Wei ying was unable to stay put, after listening to the cry of a helpless girl. He immediately wanted to go visit her, but got stopped by Jiang cheng. Hence Wei ying took Jiang cheng along and together they started from the campus, after Wei ying texted Lan zhan. 

As Lan yi had said before, her mother looked like a flickering light. 

She had to refuse Wei ying's advice to admit her to the hospital saying her father would be here in a few hours. Wei ying felt pity for Madam Lan, despite the horrible things the mother and daughter duo did to him and his Lan zhan.  Jiang cheng preferred not going inside, and had sent Wei ying alone. 

Wei ying and Jiang cheng received continuous calls from Lan zhan and Yanli. After Lan yi constantly told Wei ying that she would be fine, Wei ying started from there. More like, Lan zhan didn't agree with him to let him stay. 

If not for Lan zhan's arrival there on time to pick them up, Wei ying would have met the masked men once again. But to his luck, Lan zhan arrived with Xichen, before the men revealed themselves. 

At the Jiang residence, the party went well, and it was time for Lan zhan to leave with his brother. 

Xichen excused himself saying he would wait in the car, as Lan zhan needed a few seconds of time to be with his Wei ying. Wei ying tiptoed and stole a quick peck from Lan zhan. He didn't expect his Lan zhan to payback by confining him and take a two minutes long kiss, which stirred all the sexual hormones within him.

Wei ying licked his lower lip with a roguish smile, tempting Lan zhan even more. But they had no time. There were guests inside and Wei ying should be there with his shijie. Lan zhan left the place, unwillingly. 

Ten minutes after Wei ying said his bye and goodnight to his Lan zhan near the gate, he received a text from a private number, just like the previous time. 

"Come out" 

Wei ying's face flushed with a smile, remembering a certain night when his Lan zhan claimed him. 

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