29. Back to home

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"You are a badass, Hanguangjun" 

Wei ying exclaimed. 

Lan yi couldn't help but turn and open her mouth wide, looking at Lan zhan, hearing the name. 

Wei ying hand signalled her to shut the mouth door. 

It was a long day at the police station. During the time Wei ying gave his statement to an officer, his family were listening to it from the other side of the mirror wall. Wei ying didn't miss out on even a single incident, including the dog punishment he received. Jiang cheng who was listening, left the room and returned two hours later. 

Wei ying couldn't help but think about when his brother Jiang cheng grew a brain. He also didn't know when he rubbed off his air on the latter. Jiang cheng had a paper bag in his hand, which had several bugs of varying sizes which he managed to collect from the nearby park. 

Though Wei ying didn't wanted to give this farewell gift to Lan yi, in the end he gave it to her, when he remembered the children's profiles on the website. Even if he hadn't, he was sure Jiang cheng would have burst open the bag straight on her face, taking revenge for the dog incident. 

Wei ying laughed out loud when he saw Jiang cheng rolling his eyes at  Lan yi's ghastly expression at the bugs. 

Regarding the illegal site and network, Lan yi refused to answer but again Madam Lan was co-operative hoping that it would reduce the jail sentence.

Lan zhan had to wait until they got inside the car to have his Wei ying all for himself. It was already evening when they started to go home. 

He hugged the man of his heart and he lost sense of everything else around for a while. It didn't mattered whether it was the mortal or immortal realm. There was no car, no brother nor uncle, it was just his Wei ying and himself that was in his mind. And that was all he could see and feel. He examined the wrist and legs that had become purple due to the tight rope binding. Lan zhan felt the pain, when Wei ying flinched, as his fingers came in contact with the bruised skin. 

While Lan zhan was going through the agony, Wei ying's heart pricked  seeing the extremely exhausted face with dark circles, telling him tales of the sleepless nights which his husband had to spend without him. 

Back at home, everyone had dinner together before going to their respective rooms.  

"I missed you." Lan zhan missed his soulmate, though he already had him in front of his eyes, in their bedroom. 

"I am back, aren't I?" Wei ying smiled. 

"Mn. When did you get our past memories?" Lan zhan was curious. 

"What memories?." Wei ying played dumb. He didn't wanted to reveal that he did not have the potion at all. 

"Our previous birth." Lan zhan didn't mind giving details. 

"What previous birth?" 

"Don't you remember?" 

"What should I remember, Lan zhan?" 


If Lan zhan hadn't known Wei ying for a century, he would have fallen for it. 

"I got memories of my past life. I thought it was you with me. I guess I might have seen it wrong. So you are not my soul…."  

"Lan zhaaaannnn, it was me. It is always me." Wei ying pounced on Lan zhan before he could finish. 

Lan zhan who hadn't forgotten the part where his Xianxian called him as Hanguangjun this morning, didn't understand why he was covering it up now. 

"Since when?" 


"W-what?" Lan zhan didn't expect this. 

"It was not me. The bowl fell down and the potion got spilt. You know, I got anxious when I saw you leaving." Wei ying put on his innocent expression. 

"Why didn't you come to me sooner?" When Wei ying thought he had crossed a mountain, Lan zhan placed an even bigger one in front of him. 

"I did. Every month since I was 13. Waited in front of this villa once every month until we turned 18. Never get to see you" 

Lan zhan's heart couldn't take the information easily. His lips quivered, without him knowing, but he still felt that Wei ying could have come to him sooner. 

"How about the time we met in the Jiang residence?"

"Lan zhan, didn't I? You were ready to marry my shijie!!!!" Now that Wei ying remembered, it wasn't his mistake. It was unfair that he was being interrogated. 

"I didn't agree exactly" 

"You didn't disagree either." 

"It's time to sleep" Lan zhan kissed Wei ying passionately and covered them both with a duvet to escape the wrath he had brought upon himself. 

"Where is my righteous husband?!" Wei ying complained to no one in particular, before giggling. Lan zhan brought Wei ying closer and pressed his lips on Wei ying's forehead, putting him to sleep. 

Lan zhan couldn't sleep. He remembered how immature his thoughts were when Wei ying maintained a distance from him, after he found out about Yanli's feelings, during the wedding party. He also felt restless about Wei ying's safety. He highly doubted that he would be able to sleep peacefully until Cong gets far away from their life. 

The Jiang family didn't follow them to Lan villa, as they had another bigger enemy to take care of, in order to relax. They had already placed an application to get the DNA sample of Wei ying from the government to prove his identity. That was enough to take the founder rights and the shares from the company, but they needed extra evidence to put Cong behind the bars for murdering their friends.

Meanwhile Cong, who was interrogated after Lan yi and Hui shen, got bailed out even before he spent a hour's time in the police station.  

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