33. Defense

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Lan zhan saw Wei ying feeding puppy formula to their son Xing when he entered the room. 

Yes, It was Wei ying who, as a spoiling parent, named it as Xing, meaning star. 

And he wasn't completely unaffected by the trauma. He was in his comfortable dino onesie as a safety measure, not to mention Lan zhan's baseball gloves which he wore in the feeding hand. 

He was nearly two metres away from Xing, only his long arms reaching Xing's bed. 

"It's time" Lan zhan reminded them that they had to start now. 

"Xing'er, be good. Daddies will be back soon" Wei ying after feeding the formula said in a low voice to the sleeping Xing, before changing into normal clothes to head out. 

It took a week's time for everyone to agree on Wei ying's point, that is to show his presence to people in the Sanren corp. Initially everyone was against it considering Wei ying's increasing enemies who swarmed over him everywhere he went, however they had to agree that it cannot be kept hidden forever. 

Hence the first thing Wei ying suggested was to file a case against Cong Sanren for fraud, and request Court's help to prove his own identity. 

Since the DNA sample the government had was not a match, his side of the prosecutor can proceed for a re-appeal on the same, or request Cong's DNA sample to check whether Wei ying is related to the family tree to prove his point. 

The result of re-appeal on the first request turned out to be negative again. Hence it came to the second option of checking Cong's DNA. 

It took two more weeks to complete the procedures and receive a warrant. 

With the warrant in hand, the Wei ying and the families started off to Sanren corp along with the prosecutor in charge. 

It was a five floor building in the heart of the city, and it was clearly visible that the company was doing well. The security personnel gave them access once they showed him the warrant, after making a call to the admin office. 

They were waiting in the fifth floor lobby when a stretcher bed was wheeled past them into the closed office room of the Founding partner. 

Cong was carried away in the bed and rushed to the hospital due to unknown reasons, right before them. An old cliche drama technique by Cong to avoid providing his blood, hair sample or access to his DNA sample present in the database. Since there was a case filed against his name, he cannot leave the country without the Court's approval, thus Cong had to resort to this measure. 

Well, our couple and the family had better expressions as it happened as they expected. Their ultimate goal was to get inside the company, which in a normal way is impossible. From their previous experience they were sure that Cong would go to any extent to not let it happen. Now that Cong left before their eyes, the prosecutor and others had a chance to connect to the other important people of the firm. 

In that way, they could introduce Wei ying's face and share the actual problem, thus rolling a snowball and waiting for the avalanche. 

At the time of their visit, there were just three directors present to receive them. Out of which, there were two old men who claimed to have worked for the company for more than fourty years. Both of their eyes fell on Wei ying before the prosecutor even shared the purpose of the warrant. 

Being the Founding partner after Late Sanren's will, with the shares Cong possessed, the other partners and directors wouldn't let someone to hold the prime position when the legal heir stood in front of them in person.

After the prosecutor explained the case, both of the directors fell silent, for they could see the photocopy of Cangse in Wei ying. The reports could go wrong, but from what their eyes saw, they cannot deny that they were beyond shocked. 

So far Cong's strength was his company and the network, and Wei ying took his first step to break it. 

After three months

Cong was still under treatment for severe heart ailment in hospital per the reports submitted to the court. He successfully delayed the court proceedings with this excuse. 

And this duration was peaceful for Wei ying, as if Cong had got lost from their lives completely. 

It was Sunday morning and Lan zhan's heart felt light when he saw Wei ying sleeping on their bed in starfish posture. On top of his belly was their baby Xing, nibbling on Wei ying's pajamas, waiting for him to wake up. 

In these past few months Wei ying and Xing had become closer to the point that Wei ying can no longer stay away from Xing. 
When the entire Lan family guided and protected Wei ying, Wei ying had someone to protect, his Xing. 

The only problem Lan zhan faced was, Xing became a competitor of him in showering Wei ying with love.

But that didn't matter to him since Xing was their son. Lan zhan could only joke that it doesn't matter.  

For the number of shirts and shoes that were torn to pieces by Xing, Lan zhan had no count. For the record, those all were Lan zhan's. The little master was really smart.

Whenever Lan zhan tried to be a strict parent for Xing's actions, Xing would look at him nonchalantly. But as soon as Xing finds signs of Wei ying's arrival, it would lie down with eyelids drooping, as if it wasn't the one at fault and that Lan zhan was too hard on him. 

But Lan zhan loved this overall feeling. The three are now a family. He was able to fulfill Wei ying's desire by bringing Xing into their lives. 

Lan zhan almost forgot the reason why he wanted to wake up Wei ying from his slumber. 

There was a letter addressed to Wei ying from a law firm. 

He knew that his baby deer wouldn't wake up anytime soon, but he needed his permission to open the letter, as it may be related to their case against Cong. Moreover it was already half past eleven. 

Xing who was ready to bark at his Daddy Lan, swished the tail, realizing that Lan zhan was trying to wake up Wei ying. Finally the wait is going to be over. 

"Ahhhhhhh hhhaaaaa Open and read, I'm listening." 

Wei ying got up, listened to what Lan zhan had to say, yawned and waited with his eyes closed. 

Lan zhan read its content and re-read it again. 

Wei ying, who had not received a response, with half eyes open, grabbed the letter from the almost frozen Lan zhan and started reading it. 

Wei ying was completely awake by the time he finished reading. 

It was a letter from Cong's lawyer stating that Cong acknowledges Wei ying as the heir and would like to discuss the share transfer in person. 

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