23. Romance

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The platinum love band rings which had the word 'WangXian' engraved inside, shined brightly on the ring fingers of the couple. 

Wei ying's fingers clutched Lan zhan's cloth while he was being kissed on the lips, in front of their family. The kiss was slow, gentle and an unspoken promise was sealed through the lips. 

Wei ying hadn't gotten over the next forehead kiss that followed, when the marriage picture was clicked. Both of their heads were slightly inclined towards each other and Lan zhan's left hand was holding Wei ying's waist, silently stating that the two individuals come as a set, from now on. 

Wei ying's charming smile, a pink tint blush, together with Lan zhan's genuine love that was seen in his eyes, and the happiness of Wei ying reflecting in his face through his smile, would make anyone feel how much the couple loved each other. 

After signing the marriage form, the couple received warm congratulatory hugs from their family. 

The Jiangs returned to their home, while Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren followed the couple's car to Lan villa. The Jiangs would be joining everyone in the party which is to be hosted in the evening. 

On reaching Wei ying's new home, all the four had lunch together as a family. To Wei ying's shock, he was served with dishes that were completely in red like how he preferred. Apparently Lan zhan's spy was useful in providing information of Wei ying's favorites. 

In the bedroom, before Lan zhan brought Wei ying inside, a maid had brought Wei ying's stuff and had arranged it neatly with Lan zhan's. It was a complete contrast inside Lan zhan's room. Wei ying's color patterned boxers, cartoon/anime character t-shirts,hoodies, torn jeans and his soft toys stood out in the room that only had things that were white previously. 

Wei ying found that something was missing on the bed and looked for his plush rabbit, which is his sleepmate. 

"Lan zhan, my plushie is missing. I know I packed it." 

After finding nothing in his bags, Wei ying told his husband, not knowing that his husband was the culprit. 

"You won't need it anyway." Lan zhan replied, sipping vinegar, while giving a villainous smile towards the toy that was thrown under the bed, just a moment ago. 

"But I..

Wei ying couldn't continue as he was pulled by his husband, and the next second he was lying on top of his Lan zhan. Wei ying's senses became highly active, and he found breathing a really hard task to do. He had spent several years with his husband, yet this feeling felt fresh. 

"Will you need it?" 

Lan zhan asked. 


Wei ying was not in the right mind to think. 

"The toy?" 

Lan zhan's voice had a proud sense of accomplishment. 

"Did I say a toy?" 

Wei ying was still entranced. 

"Our first night…"

Since the deer was back in the lion's den, Lan zhan didn't hesitate to charge upfront. 

"You are evil" 

Wei ying buried his face in Lan zhan's nape and refused to look up. 

"Not feeling sleepy?" Lan zhan chuckled. How many nights has it been already that he was given the same excuse. 

Wei ying bit his husband's nape, unable to take the teasing. He didn't realise Lan zhan's tight grip on him, while he did it. When he withdrew his teeth, the spot had turned reddish. To soothe the pain, Wei ying licked it a few times, only to leave his innocent husband tempted. 

"You wouldn't wanna be late for our own party" Lan zhan said, controlling his desires. 

Just then, they heard a knock on the door. It was Xichen. 

"Wangji, it-it's brother. Are you free? Free, right?"  How can Xichen not know about his brother? Hence he was hesitant to knock in the first place. 


"The venue is ready. Wanna see it once?" 

"A moment" 

At this, Lan zhan got up from bed and asked Wei ying to stay in his room until he returned. Wei ying agreed as he could take a look at the room. Lan zhan wanted the decorations to be a surprise for Wei ying. Hence he didn't want to bring him along. 

In the evening, when it was time, Lan zhan took Wei ying by hand to the garden. Wei ying followed Lan zhan to the backyard, which opened a gate to the forest-like area. Forest wasn't a surprise as the Lan villa was located in a secluded place. In about a hundred metres, the trees became less dense and the land sloped down gradually, making it unable to see what is beyond from the house. 

At a certain point, Wei ying saw a medium sized pond, filled with purple lotuses and lillies, and a stage in the middle, with white lights decorating it. The guest seats were placed surrounding the pond, enabling everyone to look at the couple. There were highlighting lights set on the inner side of the pond, to enhance the beauty of the lotuses in the dark. 

More than anyone, Wei ying loved the overall set up. It brought back the lovely memories he had. 

He tiptoed and gave a kiss on his husband's cheek, appreciating the efforts. 

"Can I help you look for your plushie rabbit in our room now?" 

"Lan zhannnn!" 

Of course Wei ying was not completely dumb to believe his husband's words. He knows what his husband would look for, if they were to go there. 

Thankfully, Jiang cheng came for Wei ying's rescue on time. 

Outside the lot, on a tree was a man speaking over the phone. 

"Two cars, loaded with baggage. Road trip. Destination unknown. Departure time is approximately two hours." 

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