18. Man behind mask

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It's been two days since Wei ying was kidnapped. They gave him food and didn't hurt him in any way. But Wei ying couldn't eat his fill, due to an odd blood stench. Only thing is that whatever Wei ying asks, the reply would be that their boss will give him the answers. Even if Wei ying eats their brains, they would ignore him like nothing. 

They haven't plastered Wei ying's mouth since then and Wei ying was sure that the room is soundproof. The other guy usually sleeps all day, like he got used to this lifestyle, where they provide you food and shelter with no work. 

And the peculiar thing is that, only one guy would stay back with them, guarding the cage. Others would go out by morning and would return by evening. 

On the third day, Wei ying crawled like a worm with the ties intact, towards the section of the other guy and kicked it, to wake up the sleeping beauty. It took twenty minutes to achieve his goal. 

"Why are you here?" Wei ying asked. 

The guy looked at the guard once and hung up his head. 

"Boss wou…"

"Yeah yeah, I know. But when would your boss visit?" Wei ying asked the guard in return. 


After a while, when the guard was busy with his phone, the sleeping beauty nodded his head, giving a signal for Wei ying to look at him. 

Wei ying followed the motion and the guy eyed him to look at the screen in a different section. 

In his three days of stay there, Wei ying hasn't seen anyone opening it. He also noticed the bandage dressing on the sleeping beauty's wrist. Since they can't communicate, he didn't ask about it. 

Wei ying's sleep that night got disturbed by a screeching sound, and the brightness of the sudden lights. The Trash boss has finally come. The guy removed his mask casually, and Wei ying's head almost burst with confusion, looking at his face. 

The guy smiled like they were friends. 

"Why?...How are you related to him?" Wei ying didn't wait for him to deliver his villain dialogues. 


"Forget it..why?" Wei ying didn't want to give it away. 

Wei ying knows this guy. Not very well. But he has seen him with Lan yi. 

'Lan yi' 

Last day, it was the same guy who urged Lan yi to go with him, when Wei ying was volunteering in the stadium. Whenever Wei ying met Lan Yi during the volunteering activity, this guy would be somewhere near them. 

Like an audience. That's why he was not able to recollect the blurry face, when he saw the it during the attack in the alley. 

Wei ying doesn't even know his name. More than that, the face looked more familiar to Wei ying. Like he had known this face for long. 

"You are a hurdle." The guy answered. 

"Explain. Your name?" 

"Hui shen" 

'Hui family!!!! Not again!!'

Now Wei ying realised where he had seen this face. It was very familiar to Hui zheng. If Hui zheng from his previous birth were to be young, he would look the same. Wei ying had destroyed Hui zheng's soul, but not his family. 

'Did Lan yi ask him to hurt me?'

'But why would she?' 

Hui Shen walked towards the sleeping beauty's section carrying a palette, ignoring Wei ying's question to explain to him. 

He pulled a thin blade from his pocket and drew several lines near the bandage with ease. 

"Hey..are you crazy?" Wei ying yelled. 

He didn't bother the whimpering of the sleeping beauty and collected the blood on the palette. The two guards cleaned the blood and dressed it. 

Hui shen walked away to the screen and opened it. The mild blood stench which was already in the air, increased to two folds. There was a drawing board with an unfinished portrait. The entire picture was in the color of dark red. The maniac began drawing the portrait. His drawing was not that great, Wei ying assumed that this guy was not blessed with talent for it. 

Behind the drawing board, on the wall was a mounted showcase, which had several insignificant things neatly arranged. Wei ying's legs were still tied, so he was unable to check it out. 

'A stalker?' 

'But what's the reason for him to bring me here?' 

Instead of a villain, Wei ying got stuck with a psychopath. Wei ying had hoped that his family would find him soon, as they already knew the villain. But sadly, that was not the case. 

At Jiang residence. 

Lan zhan didn't go home or to college in the three days. The police haven't given them any update and the investigator kept his tabs on Cong Sanren's villa for any abnormal movements. 

Lan zhan didn't come out of the monitoring room, and kept watching the footage from a few months back. 

Madam Jiang, who firmly believed that it must be Cong Sanren's work, after waiting for two whole days for any progress, kept saying that she could talk to Cong Sanren and plead with him to hand over her son. 

Fengmian made Yanli take care of her mother and stop her from going out. He promised to his wife that if they don't get any update in the next two days, he would directly meet Cong Sanren. 

Jiang cheng and Xichen had gone to assist the Investigator. 

Lan zhan's eyes ached from watching the screen continuously. He fell asleep unknowingly for a few hours last night. But that was all. He believed that there should be a clue in any of the videos. So far, he found out that the car didn't come on all the days. 

When the sun rays lit up the morning announcing the new day, Madam Jiang was missing. 

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