20. Towards you

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Lan zhan had indeed found something significant. That the days of the car's arrival matched with Wei ying's private meetings with Lan yi. The first time was the day she came unannounced to meet Wei ying at the coffee house. The second time was on her birthday, when Wei ying got hurt. And the third time was on the day when Wei ying visited Lan yi's house. He couldn't conclude that the girl could be the reason, however he was not ready to ignore even the slightest of coincidences. 

Thus he, without wasting any time called the brothers and informed them of the finding. He also asked Mr.Li to come find them, and left after he made sure things would be fine in the house. 

When Lan zhan reached the university, Lan yi's classmates had told him that she was on leave. Since Lan zhan knew her address from picking up Wei ying last day from there, he drove the car towards her home. 

Hui shen who was looming near the house, after knowing Lan yi's absence in the university from his friends, hit the steering with force as he saw a well known car coming. 

"Get ready" he ordered the minions. 

Lan zhan, the elite youngman, also noticed the car and walked in a slow pace, parking the car right next to the said car. He wanted the bad guys to show up on their own. 

As expected the masked men approached, and Lan zhan himself recoiled and stuck to the car allowing the others to corner him. 

He kicked one of them and like showing dominance, all the five started throwing punches at Lan zhan. Lan zhan gave a painful expression, and his steps slowly moved towards the car door.  

By the time they were so close, he dramatically fell on the backseat of the car, opening it in a swift motion, as if he was surrendering in fear. 

If Wei ying were to see this, he would have definitely wondered who is the drama queen between him and his husband. 

Hui shen proudly smirked and asked his guys to get in the car. He, in fact, did not think that Lan Wangji would have something to do with Lan yi like Wei ying told him. Secondly, he didn't intend to kidnap him in broad daylight, but since the prey himself wanted, he decided he shall bring him to Wei wuxian, who spoke to him in a belittling way. 

When the car started, Lan zhan's face and body looked spotless and fine, while Hui shen's lower lip was bleeding and the underlings had bruises and minor injuries. No one showed it in their expression yet each one of them knew that it was hurting. But still to not lose face, the guys pretended as if nothing was wrong. 

Lan zhan acted as if he was getting hit but in fact, his attacks were quick paced and brutal, that one cannot realise it from just watching. 

'I just realised that I am becoming more like you.'  Lan zhan just couldn't believe that he outdid acting to make his task easier. 

Like a tradition Lan zhan's eyes and mouth were closed and limbs were tied. Lan zhan's lips curled up against the cloth covering his mouth, happiness coming in waves thinking about getting closer to his love. 

Lan zhan was brought inside the cage room and put in the last free section available, untying the cloth covering his eyes and mouth. Hui shen left immediately after, giving a satisfied smile to Wei ying and leaving one guy behind to keep an eye on them. He even ordered an underling to free Wei yings hands as well. 

Wei ying who had been waiting with much anticipation since morning, thinking of the probability of Lan yi meeting his Lan zhan, finally had his man right in front of him. His heart beat accelerated, and his legs moved faster and opened the iron door. 

"Lan zhaannnn" Wei ying called his man, standing right at the entrance. 

"Are you gonna keep standing there?" His Lan zhan beamed. 

Wei ying shook his head and went near his man. 

"Hug me." Lan zhan's voice was needy. 

"I am hugging you." Wei ying made sure that he gave all his warmth to his man. 

"Hug me tight." Wei ying heard Lan zhan's heart drumming, overpowering the almost inaudible whisper. 

"I am hugging you tight" 

The couple were hugging for a long time, turning a blind eye to the guard and Shu Nian. 

"Lan zhan, how did he catch you?" Wei ying was worried. 

Blocking Lan zhan's answer, the guard who used to repeat the same answer, now spoke with much enthusiasm about how everyone cornered the great Lan Wangji and brought him here. 

"Yeah, yeah. I believe you. Now tend to your bruises." 

At the end of the story, Wei ying replied to the underling, making him shut his mouth. 

"You are so strong" Wei commented, poking his index finger on Lan zhan's broad chest, feeling fascinated. 

"All yours." Lan zhan flirted, making Wei ying close his eyes from shyness. 

The ever sleeping Shu Nian cringed at the scene and scrammed to the corner of his section, so as to not witness the two guys eating each other alive with their eyes. 

Wei ying who had long forgotten where he was, now remembered the place and began untying the ropes of his husband. 

"Boss will be here!" 

The guard reminded him not to do anything stupid and stay put. 

"So do the police" Lan zhan shrugged his shoulders. 

A sudden loud voice through a speaker phone announced that the building was surrounded and the police were entering. 

Before the guard guy thought about fleeing from the spot, Lan zhan charged at him, showing a piece of medicine he gave them earlier during the abduction skit. 

The guy was lying on the floor, while Lan zhan winked at Wei ying, showing off. 

In two minutes the police entered, dragging Hui shen and his other three underlings handcuffed, and Xichen followed giving a thumbs up to his brother. 

Back in the car to the police station to give the statement, Lan zhan explained to Wei ying about how he asked the Investigator Li to fix a tracking device to each family member in order to avoid any mishaps. He quoted Madam Jiang's reckless move, which caused them to think of this idea. And before he started from home earlier today, he had informed his brother to track him. But he knew very well that his brother wouldn't leave him alone, which made him follow Lan zhan with two other police officers in his car. 

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