13. Past

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Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren were in a car, speeding over the limit, without any choice. First of all, the car's brake didn't work and secondly they were being chased by two cars. As expected, the area was away from the city and they could barely see anyone on the road. They didn't take this route by choice; they were cornered. But the couple didn't show any fear because their only baby boy is sound and safe, away from them. One sure thing they knew was that they are not gonna see the next day. 

It all started a week ago, when the late Elder Sanren's will was announced. That all his company shares were transferred to his daughter Cangse, not leaving a single share to his son. It was not fair, but Cangse's brother Cong Sanren was not angry because of that. He was angry because he rendered all his efforts to the company's growth for the past 9 years, when his sister was away for studies and later married a poor guy, an orphan on top of it, who had no background, a few years ago. Her love was not acknowledged by her father and so she walked out of her family. 

Elder Sanren didn't believe that his precious daughter would leave him for a guy, so he was reluctant to make any connections to her until he heard of his grandson's birth. Cangse happily talked to her only parent when he contacted her, but refused to go back to their family home. Knowing her average living conditions, the elder's heart ached and he left all his shares to his daughter, leaving the other assets to his son. The will was announced by the family lawyer a day after elder Sanren's death. 

The critical point was that, In case of Cangse and her husband's unwillingness, the shares will be transferred to their only son by default. The will cannot be changed by anyone, unless the little boy grows up and makes his own decision after he turns 18. 

Cangse sensed her brother's anger but she had no options to transfer the shares back. With the shares, they were the majority shareholder of the group. In three days there were people tailing them, and they saw the end coming and it was unavoidable. They had a board meeting in 21 days time and they had to do the needful. 

Wei Changze asked his close friend Jiang Fengmian to protect their son as their last wish. As planned, the Jiang couple along with Yanli visited Wei's house and returned with little Wei ying. The tails didn't doubt it at the moment,as the Jiang family was pretty famous and everyone knew they had a son and a daughter. Little Wei ying was asleep during the course. 

The same night, there were two armed sneakers trying to intrude and the couple took a run through the back door, taking their car. They didn't want the intruders to know that their son was missing. They didn't trust the police as the Sanren's had more influence. 

The car crashed into a post and caught fire, burning the two lives on the spot. The police investigation didn't show any trace of a kid being in the car, so the evil minds eventually looked for Wei ying in the Jiang residence as they were close to Wei Changze and because they visited them earlier. 

But they were unaware of the plan of Cangse Sanren to leave their baby at an orphanage away from Beijing, through the Jiang family's butler. Hence, when Cong searched for Wei ying, he was nowhere to be found. In records Wei ying's name was registered as Wei jian. He had no further lead and he made the records to look like the baby was dead with their parents, thereby making him inheritor of the shares. 

However it didn't stop him from searching for the little boy. The Jiang couple sent a professional Nanny to work at the orphanage, to keep their son safe from the danger. After two years, they adopted him under anonymous identity and kept themselves away from meeting him, and changed his location to various places, to not give any idea of his presence to the enemies. 

At 18, they made a contract with Wei ying as a secretary, and they knew they cannot keep Wei ying hidden forever. They believed that Cong Sanren would give up on it as he had already achieved what he wanted. That was until Wei ying was attacked last night. 

Now they had to reveal the history to Wei ying and make him choose. To choose between proving his identity to the world and claiming the rightful shares to his name, or to ignore the past and move on. 

Proving his identity wouldn't be a problem, since they had the DNA sample of Wei ying at the time of his birth, stored in the government's database. 

While the Jiang couple was trembling in fear outside the ward room, Wei ying was flying high above the clouds, from the pleasure of his husband's lips and tongue fighting over his. His eyes were closed and a frenzy feeling ran through his veins, wanting him to get more out of it. 

"I Love you Wei ying" 

When Wei ying felt upset that his Lan zhan had ended the kiss, the words from him warmed up his heart instantly. 

"I Love you too Lan zhan" 

Wei ying's cheeks burned from desire and he hugged his man to satiate the feeling. Lan zhan kissed the tip of Wei ying's nose before he made his soulmate lay down on bed to rest. 

Once Wei ying closed his eyes, Lan zhan sent a message to his brother, asking for an update regarding the private investigation of the attack. 

"Why am I the last to know?" 

Lan zhan laughed imagining the nonchalant expression his uncle might have had while sending this message to him. He decided he should introduce his boyfriend to his uncle soon. 

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