31. Tricked

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Lan zhan was in the middle of an important conversation with an unexpected visitor when he received Jiang cheng's call. The first call, he ignored it as the person they were talking to was not someone normal. Cong Sanren's representative had come in order to talk to them about the founder and identity issue. Lan zhan didn't want Wei ying to listen to the nonsense the trash would spew. 

He had already texted Wei ying to not go anywhere and wait inside his classroom.

When Lan zhan received a second call from Jiang cheng, he sensed it must be related to Wei ying. Hence he attended it despite the situation he was in. 

But instead of talking, he heard indistinct curses of Jiang cheng from the other side which he understood was not directed at him. Lan zhan nodded his head once at his Uncle and left the room immediately. He didn't end the call, instead he kept calling out Jiang cheng's name to receive a proper response. 

Jiang cheng is a simple person. He doesn't care about anything other than his family. He gets riled up only when anyone tries to disturb it. And Lan zhan himself had seen Jiang cheng's highly protective nature towards Wei ying in their previous birth. So the reason for the call and his anger made it clear that something must have happened to Wei ying. 

When Lan zhan reached their department building, he was able to hear the loud banging sound against the door, since there were no people in the surrounding area, as it was past the class hours. 

He increased the speed of his legs and finally saw the frustrated Jiang cheng. Lan zhan's entire body went into a frenzy, when he saw his Wei ying right next to someone he didn't want his Wei ying to see at all. 

So the representative who was sent to them was a distraction. 

He couldn't hear anything that was spoken inside, but he could see his Wei ying looking straight into the enemy's eyes as if Cong was nothing but a prey. He remembered this feeling. The feeling and aura which Wei ying gives off right before his black tides extend its tendons and split open whatever that was opposing him. Cong must have provoked Wei ying's inner wounds to get him to this point. 

'I must stop this from happening.' 

"Get the glass breaker from the next classroom, and call Xichen ge to bring the security guards" 

Lan zhan directed Jiang cheng to prevent him from seeing anything unusual. Thankfully Jiang cheng complied. 

"Wei ying!!!!!!" 

"Look at me, Wei ying" 


None of Lan zhan's screams could penetrate the glass door. 

The black tides slowly started accumulating from the corners of the room which Cong was yet to notice. 

'No no this cannot happen.' 

Jiang cheng arrived on time with a glass breaker and in a few seconds the door was shattered. 

As the door opened, Wei ying lost his focus when he heard his name being called by his Lan zhan, and the black tides dissolved in an instant.  

As much as Lan zhan wanted to kick the trash bag, he knew that his Wei ying needed him. Jiang cheng charged towards the evil one and pushed him away while Lan zhan hugged his man. 

For the first time, Lan zhan felt regretful saving someone from Wei ying's tides. Though he didn't do it exactly to save him, he regretted it. But he cannot let Wei ying use his powers intentionally or unintentionally in the mortal realm. 

The security guards arrived but without their help, Cong waved a bye and got lost slowly from their sight. 

Xichen joined them a few minutes later. Wei ying didn't answer any of their questions. He hugged his Lan zhan like his life depended on it. 

Wei ying's pov

What have I done?

History is repeating. 

This was how I found my dark energy in my previous birth as well. When people talked ill about my parents. 

About how I was a bad luck to my parents and the Jiang sect. 

I don't know why I get angry every time I listen to something like that. 

Doesn't getting angry mean I am acknowledging the statement? 

"Am I bad luck to my parents?" 

It hurts like hell. Not once, but twice, I have lost them. Even now I don't remember their faces at all. Ain't I cruel to them and their sacrifice. 

"You are not" I heard my Lan zhan say, and I looked up at his face. 

"You are my Sunshine and my lucky charm." He continued. 

I now realised I had asked the question out loud. 

"My every reason for existence is you." 

He said caressing my cheeks with his thumb. 

Even if he hadn't said that, I would have felt happy just by looking at his assuring eyes. 

"Don't let the trash bag manipulate your mind. Your happiness is what will make your parents happy." 


"What did he say?" Xichen ge asked. 

"I didn't believe it when I saw your picture. But I must say, you are a replica of my sister. 

My beautiful sister who chose a street orphan as her partner and sacrificed her own life for a lowlife. 

"You don't talk about my paren.." 

"Kiddo, I'll do the talking today.

Has it ever crossed your mind that you are bad luck. 

You think why? I say you are gonna bring the same end to your foster family and husband's family as well, if they keep coming in my way." 

'This is when I lost it. I felt the power surging in my nerves to tear off this moron into pieces.' 

"To save your life, they are sacrificing their lives. You know I can't take your life now, since I would be the prime suspect. But who knows, a similar accident might occur again, with your family in it. What will you do? What can you possibly do?" 

'This monster doesn't deserve to live' 

"Wei ying!!" 

And that's when I realised what I was about to do. 

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