14. Present

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Wei ying was seen sitting like an obedient little kid on a desk, dangling his feet back and forth in the air, while Lan zhan was combing his hair. Wei ying himself asked Lan zhan to make him look presentable, as they would be meeting Uncle Qiren in a while. When Lan zhan told him that he need not change anything and would look good in everything, Wei ying then replied that he wanted to look like a disciplined one like Lan zhan. 

Wei ying wanted to make a better impression on Qiren than in their previous birth. Hence he even allowed his Lan zhan to button up his first button, which he had never once done before. Wei ying felt that his Lan zhan looked handsome, prim and proper, even while all his buttons were on, while he himself looked like a kindergarten kid, ready to be picked up by mama to school. 

Wei ying wanted to kiss his Lan zhan once they were done, however he felt an awkwardness consuming his desire this time. Their last time at hospital, both did it at the heat of the moment, now it felt odd to get used to it. Hence he replied that it was nothing, when Lan zhan asked him why he was staring at his lips. 

'Lan zhan, are you kidding?'

'Can't you take a hint from my gestures?' 

Wei ying could only complain in his mind. 

As Wei ying stared, Lan zhan, like he got what was in other's mind, got closer to Wei ying's face suggestively, but stopped a couple inches before. 

Wei ying closed one eye, and left the other open, not wanting to become a clown by being ready in advance. 

Like how Wei ying feared, Lan zhan did not kiss him. Instead he appreciated that Wei ying looked perfect. 

"Oh yeah." Wei ying replied as if he wasn't expecting someone to kiss him. 

It was after their class hours, so there were no or very few students in the main building. Initially Qiren wanted to meet his nephew's boyfriend in private and have a one to one talk, but it was Xichen who had asked Lan zhan to tag along. 

But why are they planning to meet inside the campus? Well that was because of the attack a few days ago. After Madam Jiang told Wei ying about his parents and the current turbulence, Wei ying had answered that he needs time to think it through. He felt that he cannot make the right decision when his head had too many things to be processed. As for safety, he promised that he would never go out of the campus, as campus could be the safest place they had now. 

Lan Qiren came to know about Lan zhan's love interest from Xichen, and Xichen had not told him the name or any details of the said person. Qiren wanted to meet the kid in order to make things clear, before he talked to Jiang's family to cancel whatever they had considered before. 

And Wei ying had another good reason why he wanted to make a good impression of him today. 

The couple reached Qiren's office and Xichen was the one who opened the door. 

Qiren had a staggered expression. 

Only Xichen knew the reason behind it. 

Earlier today 

Wei ying wished he could spend more time with his Lan zhan once he was in dorms, but Lan zhan had a roommate. So Lan zhan didn't have any chance to meet him other than for a quick catch up in the hallway to wish Wei ying a good night. 

Lan zhan got a call from a professor during their breakfast time with Xichen, so he had to leave before he finished. 

For Wei ying who had just got his Lan zhan, the lack of time felt disturbing. He excused himself during his first class and went up two floors through stairs to have a quick look at his husband. Though it was a mere few seconds of seeing through the glass door, Wei ying felt full from it. 

However once he returned to his classroom, his impulse kicked in again. He excused himself from the second subject class and went up. The third time, Huaisang wanted to join him in going out of the class, but Wei ying refused to take him. 

This short trip continued four times until lunch break. Lan zhan would have his lunch with his uncle and brother at their office together, so Wei ying waited till the next subject class to see his Lan zhan. 

As Wei ying got out of the class for the fifth time, he received a message notification from Lan zhan. 

"Focus on studies. Don't play around." 

For Wei ying who longed to see his man, this felt a little harsh. He felt that the entire world was so cruel to him. He even ignored the fact that he had to escape the jaws of an old fox from being disciplined, twice during his visits to Lanzhan. Yet when Lan zhan advised him, it hurt him. 

Lan zhan did not know of Wei ying's trip to his classroom, until Huaisang had texted him. The third and fourth trips, Lan zhan had noticed Wei ying, but didn't react, not willing to boost Wei ying's behavior of losing focus on his studies. 

After he sent his message, he didn't receive any response from the other, which made him restless. 

When he checked with Huaisang whether Wei ying was alright, Huaisang told him that he looked unhappy for unknown reasons. 

This twisted the insides of Lan zhan's heart.  

When classes for the day were about to end, Wei ying heard the lecturer call his name out. He looked up confused, and his misery turned into happiness as he looked at the man waiting for him near the door. 

"Wei ying, Talk to me?" Wei ying heard his husband say with a smile in front of every eye inside the room. 

Wei ying was so happy that he excused himself with a huge grin. 

Lan zhan promised that he would always have time for Wei ying and Wei ying couldn't be any happier. However he accepted that he acted silly and wouldn't do things with impulse again. Like a speed brake to the sweetness, Lan zhan asked Wei ying whether he could meet his uncle today as his Uncle was very much curious to do so. 

The scene where Wei ying ran, ignoring Qiren's calls to stop during his fourth trip came to his mind. Being in Lan University was more or less similar to school where students can't wander outside their classes during the classhours. Qiren, who was making his supervision rounds, noticed a guy going till the entrance of a classroom and returning like a sneaky puppy. He asked the other to stop, wanting to know the purpose, but the kid fastened his steps initially, then ran faster and mixed into thin air in no seconds. This made him feel something was off, so he waited to know whether the kid would come back. 

Like a surprise, Wei ying came through the stairs in the opposite corner, within an hour, and he did not expect Qiren to wait here at the same spot when he wanted to return to his classes. Qiren had seen him, but Wei ying had no excuses to give him, so again he made a run for his life, laughing his ass off. 

He felt extremely satisfied to raise the blood pressure of the elder, just like old times. Later when Qiren was back to his office, he had told Xichen about how he saw the Jiang boy being sneaky and unobedient, setting a bad example to others. 

Qiren didn't expect the unobedient Jiang boy to corrupt his dear nephew's innocent heart. 

Wei ying who didn't share this incident with Lan zhan yet, put on an innocent look, like he didn't know why his uncle was having a head rush. 

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