12. Unhindered

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"You sure?" 

It was his Lan zhan's voice. 

Wei ying bit his lower lips as it quivered, and he didn't mind showing his vulnerable state when the tears overflowed. 

His Lan zhan had just entered the room. 

Wei ying turned to see his Shijie smiling with happy tears, and nodding. 

Wei ying's felt as if the entire burden on his heart had been lifted. 

Wei ying sobbed when his Lan zhan came closer and took him in a hug. He sobbed, burying his head in the warm chest that eased him of all the pains. 

After a few minutes of crying, Wei ying almost regained his composure. He was going to look at the handsome face, when he found the second button of his husband's shirt hanging too loose, from his own fingers gripping the shirt tight on both sides while crying. Now the shirt had the first button off and the second one had come off. 

All of a sudden, Wei ying's cries became loud and Lan zhan chuckled. 

Lan zhan had noticed his little culprit trying to cover up the small criminal act he had done, by crying louder. 

"Can't wait? Ready to have fun?" Lan zhan whispered in the acting child's ears. Yanli had left them and Lan zhan was free to flirt. He had used the similar phrase that Wei ying used to hurt him, but in a teasing tone. 

The cry stopped and Lan zhan heard giggles against his bare chest. Lan zhan's mood got elated in a split second. 

He placed his palms on the cheeks of his little Xian, and lifted it up to his face level gently, like holding a treasure. 

He tilted his head and marked his first kiss on the forehead. Wei ying sniffed as he didn't expect this coming. 

Lan zhan kissed the tear stained cheeks and looked into Wei ying's eyes. Time stopped for Lan zhan as he saw his lover's face blooming with a smile. 

"Missed you. You are back." Wei ying said. 

'I never left.' Lan zhan replied in his mind. 


Wei ying need not know his longings. Lan zhan felt that his beloved would go through the suffering once again, if he were to say. 

He need not know about how he used to wait for mornings at the door, wanting to see the sunshine emerging from the opposite room. About how he would wait for the door knob clicking sound, to pretend as if he was just coming out of the room.

He need not know about his frequent contact with Mingjue gege's brother huaisang, to know about the wellness of his soulmate. Though huaisang would send extra information from time to time even if he didn't ask, it gave Lan zhan a sense of security that Wei ying was safe. 

And most importantly, Wei ying need not know his night stays in the street, every weekend inside the car, at the same spot where he approached his baby deer the first time. And he need not know that it was how he was able to help his love from danger this time. He was aware of Wei ying's meeting with Lan yi and didn't go there, not wanting to invade their privacy. After all, he had told him that he would wait. Lan zhan was in his car, nearing the residence when he saw the curled up body lying on the side of the alley. By the time he saw it, no one was in the nearest vicinity other than the man he loved. 

At the hospital,when the family asked why he was there near Jiang residence, Lan zhan had to say the truth that he was waiting to get a glimpse of Wei ying. Lan zhan told them his feelings for the other, and Jiang cheng added the information of Wei ying's liking for Lan zhan, way before they had met. Everyone figured out the reason for Wei ying's withdrawal, as they put together the details. 

Wei..?" Lan zhan back in reality, asked as if asking permission. 

"Wei ying" Wei ying gave the right to call him using his birth name when he understood Lan zhan's words. 

"My Wei ying." Lan zhan said as he nuzzled his face on the nape of his Wei ying, taking in his soulmate's body scent. 

"Nice nice..nurse..ahem" It was Jiang Fengmian and Madam Jiang who had now entered the room. When Fengmian saw the intimate scene, he lost his sense of language and blabbered the words that clicked in his mind at the moment, for which he received glares from Madam Jiang. 

Breaking apart from the hug, Wei ying saw his parents looking at them with lots of love, and he was no more surprised about the fact, they are aware. Aware of what Lan zhan is to him. 

Lan zhan would have to tell Wei ying later, about the scene where he was caught stealing kisses from the unconscious man, by the Jiang couple. But it was just on the back of Wei ying's palm though. 

When Lan zhan tried to remove himself from the man so that his parents could talk, Wei ying flinched and Madam Jiang asked Lan zhan to stay. 

"Are you disappointed mother?" Wei ying had to ask, considering their  marriage desire to Yanli. 

"Yes we are." 

Wei ying's hold tightened on Lan zhan's hand. 

"A'xian, do family members hide things from each other? We would have been happy if we had known your feelings from you. You are our son and we love you as much as we love Yanli and cheng." 

"Sorry ma" Wei ying was hugged by the emotional parents, and in a few minutes Yanli and cheng came back. 

"Okay, who was it last night?" Lan zhan asked Wei ying. 

Madam Jiang's face was pale from horror, due to the topic. 

"I don't know. It was all vague. There were five. And one face kinda looked familiar. Not sure though." 

"Anything else?" Madam Jiang probed. 

"Yeah.. they were saying that I should know my place. I actually don't get their point." 

Madam Jiang excused herself and rushed out immediately, followed by Fengmian. 

Everyone blinked, not having any idea. 

"I don't think I offended anyone in my life so far, of course except you Lady cheng." Wei ying finished the sentence laughing, looking at his irritated brother. 


Meanwhile Yanli came closer and mouthed a sorry at Wei ying. Actually she wanted to say it, but due to emotions surging, only air came out. 

"I had been hurting you all along." 

"You should rest" she continued and patted Wei ying's shoulder once before taking cheng out with her, giving space for the couple. 

A strange silence followed between the two. 

Lan zhan pulled Wei ying's palm and gave a gentle kiss. Lan zhan enjoyed seeing the flushed face of his Wei ying once again. 

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