17. Lost

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At 11 o'clock in the Jiang residence, everyone was going crazy over finding the missing soul. The guests had been sent off hurriedly and all the nooks and corners of the residence were searched. They didn't notice it until Jiang cheng received a call from Lan zhan, asking whether Wei ying was busy. They had guests to tend to and it doesn't make any sense that they lost him in the presence of everyone. 

Yanli had seen Wei ying going to send off Lan zhan, so she didn't doubt it when it took time. It was Jiang cheng who found Wei ying's phone, remembering the last attack which happened in the nearby alley. He happened to see the phone with a cracked display, lying on the pavement. 

Lan zhan didn't want to disturb his love when he was being introduced to the guests, being a new addition to the family. Hence he didn't call him until he reached halfway. When the calls didn't go through for a few times, he then called Jiang cheng in panic. Lan zhan regretted leaving the residence when he could have stayed. 

A hour ago

Well, Wei ying should have paid more attention to his safety. 

He realised it when a masked guy came out of the car, instead of his Lan zhan. His body hair stood erect in an instant, when four other guys emerged from all the sides. 

"Damn, you f******" 

He shouted in vain, as there was a party going on with slow music playing in the background. 

He bit the nose bridge of the first face that came closer to him like a mad dog, but before he realised he was pulled inside the car, with a plaster on his mouth. His eyes were closed, and limbs were tied with a rope. Someone snatched his phone from the tight grip, throwing it away, as the car moved. 

His physical strength wasn't great like in his previous birth, so he left it to fate without struggling. There were a total of five men, four in his car and one following in the car behind. 

The person who seemed to be the leader, whom he bit, cursed in pain. 

Wei ying felt that he had heard this voice before. 

'Was it during the last attack?' he wasn't sure. 

After half an hour, the car came to a halt. Wei ying's legs were released and a guy supported him to walk. A kick would land on his calf, whenever Wei ying slowed down. 

Wei ying's legs were unstable when he was pushed with force into a room. The cloth on his eyes was removed, and legs were tied again. The room looked more like an aviary with sections. There was no source of light other than the outside light seeping through the ventilation window at the top of the room. From the room set up, Wei ying deduced that it must be a basement. 

After a while, Wei ying's eyes adjusted to the room's darkness and he saw a guy sleeping sound in one of the sections of the aviary. Similar to him, the guy was tied up. One thing that was common between them was, both were young. 

Wei ying wondered why the guys hadn't attempted to kill him. 

'Is it to make me transfer the shares by force?' 

'or pity?' 

Wei ying dusted off the thoughts and he didn't worry about what would happen to him, as they were already aware of the culprit. His Lan zhan came into his mind, and he couldn't bring himself to think about anything else, other than the pain his Lan zhan would be going through right now. 

Madam Jiang fainted from the fear of losing her son and Yanli took care. When Lan zhan entered the residence, Fengmian took them to the monitoring room, to watch the CCTV footage. They saw the guys pulling the struggling Wei ying to the car. Everyone's eyebrows raised at the similarity of the car to the Lans. 

Lan zhan remained calm and asked Fengmian to play the footage of a certain date, where he first came to meet Wei ying. After all, the enemies had known how to lure Wei ying out. As expected, a car followed Wei ying's cab on the day he came home from the coffee house. The car was there, till Lan zhan left from the place. 

They couldn't make out any faces from it, due to the masks. The registration numbers of the cars have been noted, knowing very well that it would be fake. Jiang cheng gave Wei ying's mobile to Lan zhan, which couldn't be unlocked. Lan zhan unlocked it, and showed the last message that was received by the phone. 

That was a perfect trap. 

Madam Jiang made quite a ruckus, when she heard them talking about reporting it to the police. She cannot risk her son's life not knowing what the moron would do, if he were to know. They had just taken a single step by hiring an investigator but the enemy had already reached his goal. 

Qiren convinced her that they can request the police to do the search lowkey, keeping the family reputation in mind. Lan zhan didn't want to miss even one percent of chances in searching for his soulmate. 

Lan zhan replayed the footage a few more times and headed out. Qiren, Fengmian and Xichen went to the police station to file a complaint, while Jiang cheng accompanied the ladies at home. 

Lan zhan stood at the same place where he saw his baby deer getting abducted. His legs betrayed him, and knees gave out, landing on the road with a thud. He looked down, while his palms unknowingly clutched the hair locks. Tears streamed through his cheeks, dripping drop by drop. 


His heart tormented him, giving him a pain worth a thousand years. He didn't know, and didn't wish to know the reason why he was finding it hard to breathe in a place where he couldn't find his Wei ying. 

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