40. Karmic debt

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'I did not use my power to hurt anyone.' Wei ying reported his actions with three fingers up. 

All the previous times when he was caught by either Hui shen or Lan yi, they didn't try to kill him or hurt him physically. Hence his shield didn't have a valid point to protect its owner. Also he was not allowed to use his Yin zi while in the mortal realm unless the situation called for it. 

And both the times when Lan zhan was caught by the guards, it was him who hurt them, not the other way round. 

But today, Cong tried to shoot them dead, which is an inevitable danger. When Cong pulled the trigger, in that exact fraction of seconds, Wei ying felt an old feeling filling up his entire body, and he was sure that his Shield was up. That was why he didn't try to dodge. Because that was what he exactly wanted to happen. In dire situations, powers can be used by immortals to save their lives. It's just that they cannot hurt any life in the process. 

Wei ying's shield didn't do any harm to Cong. In normal cases, it would have made him bleed blood at the least. Same goes with Yin metal, it only showed its anger to Cong, warning him whose master he was dealing with. 

"Co-comp-any I won'ttt transfer" Were Cong's words even while he was toasted just a few minutes back. 

"Fool" Lan zhan replied before getting out of the building with Wei ying. 

In two days time, Wei ying's family submitted a re-appealing request for their initial case against Cong. 

In a week, the day of their first trial came. Though Cong didn't go near Wei ying's family anymore, he wasn't willing to give up on his shares. 

He avoided eye contact or the direction where Wei ying stood, but was confident that he wouldn't lose. 

Since they had a few more minutes for the trial, Wei ying decided to have fun. No matter how many times he assured his family not to worry about Cong anymore, they wouldn't feel at ease. Now he had a chance to show them. 

When Wei ying got up and walked towards Cong, one after another, all of his family members got up, scared Cong would eat Wei ying alive. Only Lan zhan was calm, and others looked at him like he had committed a serious sin by betraying his partner. 

Lan zhan sighed and asked others to be calm. 

Wei ying walked to the other side row of seats and sat next to Cong, doing nothing extra. 

Cong got up suddenly like he had pins on the chair, and didn't even bother to look back before running out. Until the prosecutor arrived, he didn't dare to enter. 

"Told ya" Lan zhan commented at the surprised faces. 

Cong's confidence in the trial broke down, when he saw Wei ying's attorney submit the actual DNA result  from the government. 

"Impossible" Cong muttered, suppressing his anger. 

They also submitted the two fake results he received by post. An official was brought to determine the authenticity. 

Cong didn't understand how this document could escape his vault when he caught Lan Wangji right on the spot before he could open it. He also had him in custody for a couple of days right. How is it even possible! 

Cong's face was completely pale when he heard the sound of gavel announcing the final verdict, confirming Wei ying as Sanren family's heir, son of late Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze. The judge also ordered Cong to transfer the shares per the will submitted, supporting Wei ying's claim. 

In the empty courtroom, while the family was discussing the things with their attorney outside, about the procedure, Lan zhan noticed that Wei ying wasn't completely happy. 

"What's bothering?" 

"The bastard who murdered my parents is still outside, breathing fresh air." 

Though Wei ying was happy about the fact that he was able to prove his identity, he couldn't put the guy behind bars. 

Lan zhan could only comfort him by a hug. It's been years since that tragedy happened, and there would be hardly any evidence. For now, they could only believe in karma until they find a way to make this murderer pay for his deed. 

Xichen, who was asked by uncle to bring the couple out, waited for a few minutes before he interrupted them. 

He noticed something was amiss, but he had learned to wait for the kids to open up. Hence in a way to cheer them on, he congratulated Wei ying for the win and hugged his baby brother. 

He was about to hug Wei ying when Lan zhan pulled Xichen for another hug. Xichen didn't mind as he too felt that it had been so long since his baby brother showed his affection openly. 

When Xichen tried to break the hug, Lan zhan didn't let him, instead slowly whispered in Xichen's ear,


'Wuxian, you must know my brother is nano minded.' 

"Haha. Wuxian, you could give us a group hug if you feel left out." Xichen wanted to know what his baby brother would do now. 

Right when Wei ying with eyes sparkling was about to hug them together, Lan zhan broke the hug of Xichen and took Wei ying all for himself. 

He even locked their lips and began to kiss, not letting Wei ying to think about anything else. 

"Let me go" Xichen, who was clasped by Lan zhan with one hand, whispered, unable to take the awkwardness. It was like a typical love triangle scene, where the male lead hugs his partner but holds onto his second love interest, wanting to have both in life. 

Lan zhan acted like he didn't hear. 

"I won't hug him" Xichen just wanted to leave the place, before the couple made him sweat. 

Lan zhan smiled through the kiss, as he let his brother go. 

At Cong's residence

Cong was watching the footage of the only CCTV installed inside his home, which was in the vault room, to find the culprit. 

When he saw the person on the screen, he immediately sped into his bedroom and pulled his sleeping wife from bed, holding her hair. 

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